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Well they brought me back to their new base they were constructing; I also found out all their names; I of course have my own opinions on them

Optimus Prime; I actually couldn't think of a nickname, other than the fact he is emotionless as fuck.

Jazz; he and Apollo would get along well.

Ratchet; I'm not sure whether it's Hera in disguise or what.

Bumblebee; He has fucking puppy dog eyes. I will never regret saying he looks adorable; he's like a big baby! Other than the fact he's actually a giant alien robots with intelligence that is currently in a war.

No biggie.

Then there's Ironhide....

It's like Ares decided he wanted to be a robot.

Then BAM!


So I also found out some human names.

Sam; dude running round with the lego block.

Mikaela; Lego dudes girlfriend

William Lennox; the Colonel of the new NEST force that will be working with the autobots.

Epps; one of the soldiers, has an awesome sense of humour.

And then there's the other boring fuckers who I can't remember the names to.

I have the best memory.

So now I'm here, apparently no one else saw me use my card, so Jazz kept to himself, saying he managed to wriggle out of his grip and saw me on the roof whilst falling.


Absolute BS.

I call a foul, can I legally sue him?

Do giant robots even have credit cards?

Any who back to topic,

I am now in their base just babysitting ET's robotic long lost cousins.

I've been here for three days already and they've done absolutely nothing.

I'm sure they're planning against me.

My cards are tucked tight in my pocket.

I have a dark purple tank top, black skinny jeans and then the other usual attire.

I got another lollipop... they keep asking where I get em, and I keep avoiding the question...

They know my name etc. 

So yeah, just babysitting the bots apart from Bee, he went with Sam after his legs got reattached.

I am actually just about to text Poseidon... yes I can do that.

'Yo! Still in this dimension, it's kinda boring, did Percy ever get Zeuss bolt back? I mean it's been what? 5 days already he's got just under a week'

'He's stuck in the Lotus Casino, if he can't get out 2 days before the deadline I will help him'

'Good to know ._.'

'You should return soon sister, it is becoming quite hectic on Olympus without you'

I sighed, that gained the attention of the bots.

Optimus walked over to me.

"Does something ail you Infinity?"

I shook my head in amusement, smiling slightly.

"I'm just seeing what my brother is doing, I haven't seen him in a while is all" he looked at me curiously before asking a stupid question

"Is it wise to use such technology on base?"

I shrugged and grinned at him.

"I doubt they will be able to find our location Optimus, besides my brother is quite far from here" I assured.

He nodded and began to walk back off.

'It's no fun here, although I doubt they would be happy if I just disappeared, perhaps send Hermes to come get me?'

'He requires a portal sister'

"I will be back, just gotta do something!" I yelled over to Jazz, who was the only one not doing anything, his headlights beeped in response.

Okay , left left right left and.... EXIT!

I summoned my whip and a dimension appeared with one lash.

"Hermes" I called into the portal, he walked through moments after.

He was wearing his normal work attire and his caduceus, with George and Martha.

'Ahhh, Lady Infinity, by any chance do you have any rattsss?'

'Oh be quiet George! Leave the mistress alone' I smirked In amusement at them, holding two rats out, one for each, that they both took immediately.

"Hello George and Martha; hello Hermes" I gave him a hug that he gratefully returned.

He sighed and pulled back rubbing his temples.

"I'm going insane with the two of them" I frowned at this.

"Once Zeus has his bolt back you're having a week off work, I'll do your shifts for you, and don't argue, or I'll make sure they tie you to your bed" I smirked at him, he looked relieved at my offer and also slightly scared to respond.

"Thank you aunt" he thanked me, giving me another hug.

"Shall we go then?" He held his arm out politely, which I took, his caduceus in his other hand.

We walked back through and ended up in the throne room, where Poseidon and Zeus were arguing.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked Hera, she had her head in her palm and was slouching on her throne.

"Around the time since you left, they have been on and off, bickering" she answered

"Even whilst?"

"Yes, Zeus got madder when he found out Poseidon was texting you instead of paying attention" she lifted her head slightly to give me a small smile, but rubbed her temples straight after.

"Shall I?" She nodded, I looked towards the rest of the Olympians.

Ares was watching them intently, Aphrodite was looking at her nails. Athena was reading a book, Dionysus wasn't here. Artemis was aiming her bow at Apollo, he was hiding behind his throne. Hermes was watching in amusement, and Hephasteus was tinkering with small metal objects.

I growled lowly, gaining the attention of Artemis, Apollo, Athena,Ares, Hephasteus and Hermes, all gulped loudly and returned to their seats. Now paying attention to the quarrelling gods who had failed to notice my arrival. Demeter warped into the room and took her seat, smiling at me in greeting which I returned.

I took a deep breath and pulled my deck of cards from my pocket.

"Phoenix!" Hermes and Apollo both whisper shouted to me, I held said cards between my index finger and thumb, before flicking it into play.

A bird like screech was heard, followed by flames. Both gasped and stood back, looking into the direction in which the card flew back to.

I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled at them. They both moved over to their thrones, Zeus glared at me whilst Poseidon gave me a grateful smile. But then went back to glaring at Zeus, who then directed his to Poseidon.

"I ship it" I grinned, both of their eyes widened in shock.

"Aphrodite, what do you think? Them both intensely staring into one another's eyes" she smirked at me both playing along.

"Don't worry Infinity, their love lives are bound to cross" she winked at both then gave me a wicked smile.

Both glared at us both as the rest of the Olympians burst out into laughter.

The meeting ended three hours later, after many arguments between Poseidon and Zeus, me and Hera had finally managed to get them both under control.

I smiled at Hera apologetically before dragging my twin out of the throne room and teleporting us both back to his palace.

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