10// Fighting

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"I really miss you talking to me"
-Bridge to Teribitha


I heard the faint sobbing again. "Please wake up." It was Aaron. My first instinct was to tell hilm i was alright and grab his hand. I tried speaking but it felt like someone had glued my my mouth shut. But when i tried to pick up my hand i felt it twitch. "Zoe?"

Suddenly a sharp pain had flowed through my entire body, and up to my head. Instead of seeing darkness light was finally visable. "A" i mananaged to speak, through a rasby voice. "Zoe!?"

"A-a-Aaron" i spoke again. My vision was slowly comming back. I could briefly see Aaron standing above me will a shocked, but happy look on his face. He wasted no time to swoop down and hug me, gently, like i was a little porcelain doll and if he touched me to hard i would break.

I felt a sharp pain course through my head. Awince escaped my mouth. "Are you okay, the oain killers are probely wearing of by now, i call in the nurse" Aaron said as he pulled away from me to push a button, which I'm assuming, called in my nurse.

"Okay, where is everyone?" I asked concerned why no one else but Aaron was here. "Lily went to go get something to eat, with Sam, that boy sure does love food" he said. A giggle escaped from my mouth. It hurt though. It was like my body was fighting against me. "And my parents?" I asked curious, as to why they weren't here. "They flew back from England once they heard, and should be coming around 2, but probely earlier once they hear your awake." He said casually.

He took a seat in the chair next to the bed and stared at me. Examining me."I heard what you said" i told him. "Oh, yeah" he said like he didn't want to talk about it, so i dropped the subject."Anyways how long have i been out?"

"About 3 and a half weeks" he said, his gaze upon me. "I really did miss you talking to me" he added on, I felt a tear make its way down my cheek and a smile creep onto my face. "I missed you too" i smiled. "Umm anyways where is Tyler?" I ask curious to why my boyfriend wasn't here. "Um i actually don't know but he did shoot me a text saying he'll call as soon as you wake up." I nodded my head but my my filled with unpleasant thoughts. What if he hates me? What if he wants to break up with me? NO! I should just stop thinking about him.

"Th-" just as those words slipped out of my mouth the nurse walked in.


"So she said if you do well you can go home tommorow" Aaron said as he walked into the room. I shoot him a quick smile. "Thank you" i said. "For?" He asked oblivious to what i was thanking him for. "For being their fo-" as soon as the words left my mouth Tyler walked in. His hair was ruffled, unlike usuall, and his face was pink and sweaty. "Tyler?"

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