Chapter One

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"Pregnant?" I questioned the doctor with a scoff, "I think you're mistaken- that's not possible." Small beads of sweat were forming on my forehead and a small part of me wondered if she was right.

"Well, Ms. Jefferson, I really don't know what to tell you," She let out a small huff and shrugged.

"Well, Dr. Roberts, five years ago I was told I couldn't have children." I told her, "Isn't that in your file somewhere?"

She looked down at it and fanned through it to look, "Well here..." She pointed, "Unexplained infertility. Could change."

"They didn't tell me it could change," I shook my head from side to side and my breathing began to get heavy. "How the hell..."

"Have you been having unprotected sex?" She asked me seriously.

"Yeah," I said shakily, "My-my boyfriend... we've been together for a few months. Like five."

"And you told him you couldn't have children?" She raised her eyebrows, "Ms. Jefferson, I highly encourage you to be more careful with whom you have unprotected sex."

"It's not like it's the entire state of California..." I laughed, "It's my one boyfriend. We are committed."

"Either way," She turned back to her paperwork. "You have some choices to make. You should inform this boy you're seeing."

"But- there's seriously gotta be a mistake." I took a deep breath, "Seriously."

"Blood tests are routinely accurate. As well as urine samples." She told me, "But if you're unsure we can do a sonogram depending on how far along you are."

"Okay," I stared up at the ceiling, "I'm just gonna lay down."

"Okay." she nodded her head at me and left the room momentarily. When she returned she had a machine with her and she brought a nurse with her. "Just unzip your shorts and pull them down a bit."

"Alright." I obliged and took a few deep breaths.

How the hell could this happen? Well, of course it could happen dumbass, you're having unprotected sex. But you'd been told you couldn't have children. Of course you'd take advantage of it. Get used to the idea of not having to be responsible of anyone else but yourself.

"Ms. Jefferson," The doctor began, "So here you see- this is your uterus." I stared at the dark blob on the screen and nodded at her pointing. "This right here looks like fluid... This," she pointed at a small light ball in the center, "This is your baby." I closed my eyes. What the fuck. "I'd put you at about 5 weeks." She guesstimated, "If you come back in around three weeks you can hear its heartbeat. Maybe this guy of yours will be able to make it to that appointment."

"I don't know." I said barely able to breathe, "He's in a band, he's on tour."

5 weeks. Had I smoked pot in the last five weeks? I don't think so. Thank God.

"You should get a hold of him." She encouraged, "You need him and he needs you."

"I sure as hell do now." I took another shaky breath.

"Here is your photographic proof..." She handed me the small pictures. "Give yourself a moment to collect and then you can check out at the front desk."

"Thanks," I whispered.

They both left and I closed my eyes. I gave myself a moment and then sat up from the table and got myself ready to leave. I checked out with the front desk and made an appointment for three weeks from now to go back. Maybe I'd actually have Rocky with me that time.

It was 2 pm when I checked my phone. Two unread texts from Mel and a missed call from Rocky. Rocky. I had to tell Rocky. Just not over the goddamn phone.

I called him immediately and I heard his voice shouting for someone to be quiet while I waited patiently, "What's up babe?"

"Hey Rock, nice to hear you awake at this time in the day," I laughed and got into my car.

"Yeah, well, we got onto the bus at 3 am last night because we had to drive so I woke up early and- Ellington get your hand off my sister's ass I'm right here fucktard." He chuckled to his bandmate and sighed, "How's your day baby?"

"It's alright." I said, "I'm going to Mel's for dinner tonight."

"Mel and Shawn?" He asked, "Don't go too crazy. Last time we went to their place there was way too much alcohol and we had to call Riker to come pick us up."

"I can assure you I won't be drinking tonight." I started my engine and thought for a second, "When do you come home?"

"I come home for a week in two weeks." He threw something and laughed at who it hit before paying attention to my question again, "And then I'll be home for good in a month after that."

"That's good... So you'll be home the 23rd?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Should be, why?" He asked, "That's not a special date, is it?"

"No it's not." I sighed, "Just have something I have to do, but it's no biggie we can talk when you come home."
"Why don't you come here?" He said, "Jump on a plane, we're in, uh, where are we? Arizona? And we're having a major party after the show in a couple days."

"I've got a lot I've gotta do, I would love to party with you but I gotta stay home." I waited for his response.

"Alright babe," He paused, "You sure everything's okay? You're acting a little off?"

"I didn't sleep well last night." I told him seriously. "I've been sick." Not a lie.

"Still throwing up?" He asked with a disgusted tone.

"Not as much." I told him honestly, "It's all good. You guys have a good time. I'll see you in two weeks."

"You too babe. Love ya- Riker pass that here!" He laughed, "I'll take a shot for ya Tori,"

"Thanks," I smiled softly and hung up the phone before putting my head down on the steering wheel.

I gotta figure my shit out.

Night Owl -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now