Chapter Three

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*5 months ago*

"I really gotta go," Rocky kissed me again and I gripped his hand for dear life.

"No you don't. You can stay." I assured him, "I've got a room... You've seen it," I smirked up at him and kissed him deeply again.

"Geez they go at it, don't they?" I heard Ellington whisper to Rydel, "Why aren't we like that anymore?"

"We can." She said, "We just don't say enough dramatic good bye's," She laughed and stuck her tongue out at us.

"Whatever," Rocky rolled his eyes, "Don't do anything crazy without me."

"Babe, I'm a model, how crazy can things get?" I ran my hands down his chest. "It's gonna be so long before I see you again."

"Rocky!" Mark, Rocky's father, yelled, "Say goodbye to your girlfriend and let's get on the road!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" He said to his father and squished my face in his hand and kissed me again.

"For such a badass you're the biggest dork ever." I told him with a smirk. "I'll miss you my not-boyfriend."

"I'll miss you my not-girlfriend." He kissed me again, "Unless you want to be my girlfriend."

"I thought we weren't gonna label shit," I traced his tattooed arm and looked up at his face. He looked serious enough. "Boyfriends mean relationships. Then we get boring." I whispered, "Like Rydel and Ellington."

He laughed and looked over at the two of them. "I heard that," Rydel shot us a look and the middle finger before turning back to her boyfriend and telling him something.

"But honestly..." Rocky shot his head, "We could redefine relationship. Who says we have to be boring?"

"That's how it's gonna be..." I sighed and held his hand, "See look at me? Hold hands? That's so sappy, what the hell."

He smiled and looked at the bus, "I promise our relationship will never be boring."

"You really really promise?" I asked him sincerely.
"I really really promise." He nodded.

"Fine." I agreed, "I'll be your girlfriend."

"And you'll come visit every single weekend?" He asked sweetly.

"I already requested off for a couple of weeks and all the weekends." I assured him.

"Dope." Rocky nodded, "I'll see you in six days."

"Yes you will, boyfriend." I kissed him passionately and then he turned and was pulled away by his sister.

* *
"I don't want to leave tomorrow." I told Rocky as we laid in his bunk on the bus.

"Then don't." He said as he rubbed my back, "Stay with me... We stay up all night, we sleep all day, we drink, we fuck... It's the life Tor."

"It is..." I studied his face, "Could I really stay?"

"We have extra bunks if you ever got tired of mine." He shrugged, "I would love it."

"How about..." I sat up, "I'll go back home and make sure I actually don't have any photo shoots I have to do for a little while and I'll see. Okay?"

"That's not good enough but I guess I have to take it." he smirked. "It'll be so fun being carefree with you here."

"Yo lovebirds," Ross stuck his head into the bunk, "It smells like sex in here," He chuckled to himself and shook his head, "Anyone up for a night out?"

"When have you ever known me to say no?" I asked him and climbed over Rocky to get out. We all left with a car to take us to one of the hottest nightclubs in the city we were currently in. Miami, maybe? I wasn't sure. All I knew was the drinks were tight and the dancing was hot. The weather was hotter and Rocky was hottest.

What a better way to kick off tour life than that?

Rocky led us through a crowd to a private table. We ordered rounds of shots one after another. Soon enough I could feel myself losing sensation and just wanting to dance. I took Rocky out on the dance floor and showed him just what I knew I could do. "God damn, you're good at this," He smirked and took my hands, "I told you we knew how to keep a relationship interesting."

"You thought I would be good in bed and not be a good dancer?" I laughed loudly, "Babe, those two go hand in hand..."

Rocky made a face and looked over at Rydel dancing on Ellington. "My sister's a dancer." He turned back to me with a drunken laugh and pulled me closer to him with a lust in his eyes that I loved.

Whenever we went out Riker somehow managed to hook up with a random girl. Sometimes the same girl more than once. And sometimes he drunkenly hit on me but it barely phased me.

I downed my fifth shot of the night with Rydel next to me and wiped my mouth with my hand. Rocky had gone to the bar and the line was long to get anything so I knew it'd be a while.

I admired the freshest ink I had gotten on my right hand earlier in the week and then looked up at her. "How can you ever get tired of this?" I asked her.

"That's the thing, honey," She stood up and adjusted her leather mini skirt, "You don't get tired of it. Everyone just keeps telling me at some point life hits you and you have to stop, but until that happens I'm staying up all night and getting drunk as hell. Care to join me?"

"You don't have to tell me twice," I raised my eyebrows and took her hand. She let me onto the dance floor and danced with me enticingly, occasionally watching her boyfriend's protective glares of us on the floor. I laughed out loud and looked over at him myself, "So he likes it when you're with girls?" I asked.

"He fucking loves it." She said, "One time I kissed another girl... And then he got his hands on me. Best sex we'd ever had."

"Let's do it." I shouted drunkenly.

"Only if you want to." She giggled and grabbed my face. Her lips came at mine quickly but I melted into the strangest sensation I've ever felt. Rydel was a damn good kisser. I felt other eyes on us as we lip locked in the middle of a Rihanna dance track. When I backed away and she bit her lip with a laugh Ellington had the biggest eyes I've ever seen and he came straight over to us, "Um, Rydel," He took her aside, "That's what I like to call keeping the relationship interesting."

I smirked, "I hope I helped," I touched his arm and Rydel winked at me. I walked over to our table out of their view and saw Rocky sitting there.

"So you kissed my sister?" He laughed at me.

I rolled my eyes, "She and Ellington are trying to keep things interesting. And it's your sister."

"It doesn't bother me." He shrugged, "Because you're all mine."

"Always all yours." I told him, "Care to find room on the dance floor?"

He took my hand and sighed deeply, "Take me now."

Night Owl -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now