Chapter Two

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*5 months earlier*

"Victoria!" I heard one of my friends yell to me and she pulled my arm.

"The fuck?" I laughed, "What do you want?"

"Get down off the pool table." She said excitedly. "R5 is here bitch!!"

"Get the fuck out!" I screamed and took her hand. "Are they actually here?"

"Why would I pull you from your moment on the pool table if they weren't actually here hoe?" She threw her head back and sipped her drink as she pulled me through the crowd. "There," She pointed at the doorway.

"Holy shit," I squeezed her wrist. "That's fucking them."

Lead guitarist Rocky Lynch was standing against the wall and talking to some girl. He sipped a drink and looked up from it with a bored expression. He looked around and caught eyes with me. I guess I was staring.

I looked down and back up and he smiled at me. "Hey," I heard from in front of me. I saw dark boots on the floor and I looked up to see Rydel- Rocky's sister and member in their band. "Where do you guys get your uh," She made the hand motion as if she were smoking and gave me a questioning look.

"Upstairs." I told her, "First door on the right has everything."

"Thanks," She smiled, "You guys are tight."

I nodded at her and then I got all of the courage I had and walked over to Rocky with his brother Riker, also a bandmate. "Hey," I said with a small smile, "This may sound weird, but I'm a huge fan of your band. Would you mind if I got a picture with you?"

Rocky pointed to himself, "You mean me or him?"

"You." I pointed to him.

He looked satisfied with himself and nodded, "Yeah sure, what's your name?" He yelled.

"Victoria." I told him over the music.

I handed my phone to my friend and Rocky's arm rested on my hip while she took the photo. "Alright I got it."

"Thanks," I told him. His hand stayed.

"No problem." He said, "Where'd you get your drink?"

"The other room. Would you like another one?" I asked him confidently. I couldn't tell whether I was too drunk to care or he was just being friendly. Maybe both.

"For sure," He nodded and smirked, "I'll follow you."

I eyed my friend and she watched me walk away while Riker moved in on her at an alarmingly fast rate. We walked into the kitchen and he fixed himself a drink. "Care to walk?" He asked.

"Sure." I said to him.

I led him outside and we sat on the edge of the pool where no one else could see us. Covered in trees, we shaded ourselves from the lights of the party and the lights of the pool. "You smoke?" He offered his to me and I took it.

"I do." I nodded, "You don't have some sort of weird mouth disease thing right?" I laughed.

"No," He shook his head with a small smile, "I don't get around much. That's Riker you should worry about." He teased me, "But if you'd rather him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind an attractive girl like you."

"I think I'll stick with you for right now." I assured him, "He seemed pretty into my friend Kayla for the moment."
"The key word is for the moment." He laughed. "He moves fast."

"And you go slower?" I questioned.

"As slow as you like it," He laughed instantly at his bad joke and took his drug back from me. He blew out smoke and I watched his eyes intently. He turned to me and looked at my face momentarily before leaning over and kissing me.

"That wasn't slow." I teased him when he backed away. I pushed him over with a giggle and kissed him again under the cover of the tree, "Come here..."

His hands moved freely along my hips and up my sides while I felt up his chest and down to his hips. "You don't move too slow yourself..." He chuckled darkly and pulled at the waistband of my shorts. "You wanna do this?" He asked me. "Here?"

"This is my house." I whispered to him, "I can find a place for us I'm sure..."

"Oh," He chuckled and kissed me, "Nice place you got here."

"Thanks, wait till you see the bedroom." I laughed and kissed him once more before getting up. He stood up as well and we walked back hand in hand into the house.

I could see Riker and Kayla walking into her own bedroom and I could tell she wouldn't be bothering me for a while. "Rocky?" Someone called to him. Another band member of his, Ellington. "We're leaving in like 15 minutes dude."

Rocky made a face and looked at me and then back at his buddy, "Give me 30."

Ellington smirked and shrugged, "Fine. I'll tell Rydel." Then he turned his attention to me, "He seriously doesn't do this a lot so enjoy it," He joked.

Rocky smacked his chest and allowed me to continue pulling him up the stairs and into my bedroom. My stark, dark bedroom. "Nice place," He nodded and sighed with his lips millimeters from my own. He kicked the door shut and I locked it carefully. I pulled at his shirt and his jeans and he took a deep breath, "I gotta make sure I've got a- a," He paused and smiled that awkward smile I was growing to love, "A condom."

"Oh it's okay if you don't," I told him tipsily. "I can't have kids." I slipped out.

"Wait what?" He seemed caught off guard. "Oh, I'm. I'm sorry." His eyes widened.

"It's okay," I said, "I'm sorry... When I'm drinking I tend to say things that are inappropriate. And this is one of those. I probably scared you with that but I'm sorry." I realized what a shitty thing I had just done.

"It's okay." He paused and pulled one out anyways, "Just in case..."

"You mean you still want it after I totally ruined the mood?" I looked up at him.

"It doesn't phase me." He shook his head. "I like you Victoria." He kissed me and I nearly moaned into his mouth, "I want you..."

"More fun for us." I said with a smile and pulled him onto my bedspread.

Night Owl -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now