Chapter Thirteen

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I felt his hands everywhere and I swear it was like my senses were heightened. Everything was so sensitive, every little touch sent me overboard. "I really have to leave," he muttered, but showed no intentions of stopping anytime soon. "Quit being so damn tempting," he warned me.

"Don't go," I sighed as I felt his grip on my breasts tense then relax again. God, that drove me crazy. "Stay here with me." I knew it was crazy. It was in the moment, otherwise I wouldn't have said such a thing. The things he did to me, and I wasn't thinking straight to begin with.

On my nightstand, his phone suddenly buzzed and dinged like crazy. "Mother fucker!" Rocky nearly yelled and reached over to grab it. He hit the green phone icon and put it up to his ear. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Chill out!" And just like that, the phone was on the bed. "Jesus Christ. Can't a guy have time to say goodbye to his girlfriend?"

I reached over onto the floor and grabbed his shirt, handing it to him with a sorrowful look. "I'll miss you," I sighed and watched him get dressed. "I know I say it every time, but this time..."

"I'll call. Don't worry." His long fingers fiddled with the last few buttons on his long shirt. I handed him his phone and wallet. "Thanks babe." Hesitating at the door, he patted all of his pockets. "Well... how do you want to do this?"

This meaning our goodbye? It didn't need to be dramatic. We would see each other in no time. It wasn't a goodbye. It was more of a 'see ya later' situation. "I don't think I have time to get dressed again before your family flips..." I played it casual. "But can I get one more kiss?"

He didn't need to be asked twice. His head cocked sadly and he made a few long strides over to me before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine firmly. His hands held my face strongly during this long moment and we rested our foreheads together momentarily, as if reassuring each other. "I love you, Tor," he sighed. "A month will go by in no time."

"I love you," my voice cracked.

Before I knew it, he was gone.

I didn't doubt that a month would fly by for him. I'd experienced the tour life. It was hard to know exactly what day it was or where you were, living in the moment. Before you knew it, days turn into weeks, which turn into months. But for me, it would drag. This I was sure of. With nothing but my own apprehensions and a couple of modeling jobs before my body betrayed me and I was no longer able to fit into my clothes, I had nothing to pass the time. Everything I knew about life seemed to have changed in a blink, and adjustment would take a while.

Alone once again, I laid back and stared at the white speckled ceiling of my bedroom. My lungs released the air inside of them in one gust and I rubbed my eyes until I saw floating flashes of white and red. If those few minutes were any hint, time was going to stop completely.

I rolled over onto my side and stared at the stack of items against the wall and one thing in particular stood out. It was one of the pregnancy books Stormie gave us. With some curiosity, got up, wrapped in my sheets, and knelt to pick it up. My back pressed against the wall and I slid down until I was sitting on the floor. It was a strange book, a calming yellow and blue hard covered book with smiling babies on the cover. Never a book I thought I would ever be reading. I shook my head once again at the irony and paged through the table of contents.

How far along was I at this point? Eight weeks approximately, if the calculations were right. I turned to the corresponding chapter and read the page.

Your baby is about two centimeters long at this point. Tiny fingers and toes have already formed, but they are webbed and will be that way for the next few weeks. It's heartbeat is a strong 160 beats a minute! The lungs are now developing and skin is paper thin. Brain nerve cells are branching out and connecting to form its first neural pathways.

I tilted my head at the words on the page and closed it slowly, my finger still holding my place. With my other hand, I reached underneath the sheets and rubbed over my smooth stomach. All of that was happening inside of me. It was bewildering.


The fridge door shut gently on its own before I stuffed the last empty plastic bag away in the closet. My shopping bill was increasing every week now. Sure, I was trying to be healthy and only keep the freshest produce in the house. My meals were lean but satisfying. However, I couldn't help the cravings. I would have a salad for lunch, only to ruin it by indulging in a couple of donuts from the gas station. It felt like I was eating twice as much as usual.

On the to do list for the day was to clean the horrifying mess that had accumulated in my house. It was only little things here and there, but I couldn't even remember the last time I had given it a thorough scrub down. I got my cleaning clothes on and pulled out the cleaners, mops, and scrub brushes. As the time passed, I made my way through each room, scrubbing from top to bottom. Everything sparkled and had the freshest lemon scent. It was a sign of a job well done.

It wasn't until I got to the hallway that I met my first obstacle. A heavy wooden door with multiple sweaters hanging off of the knob closed off a room I barely set foot in.  Slowly, I twisted the knob and pushed it open. My junk room overflowed with items that I didn't need anymore that I hadn't gotten around to throwing away. It was an instant migraine, but this time it sparked an idea in me.

I glanced at the clock on my phone. It was 3. Surely Rocky was awake. I hit his contact and waited, leaning against the frame. Just when I thought it was a lost cause after listening to the tone forever, he picked up with a huff and a laugh. "Tori!" he answered.

"Hey. Are you busy?" I asked.

"Not at all." Muffled music and loud chatter was in the background, which was to be expected. Getting it all started early, no doubt. "What's up?" I could hear a goofy grin through the phone.

"You know that junk room?" I asked and he hummed. "What if... what if we make that the baby's room?" I bit my lip with a hopeful smile. "I could clean it out and we could paint it once we figure out the sex. My mom has been dying to give me some baby things. I think it would be cute..." All there was on the other end was his muttering replies to the people around him. I wasn't even sure if he was listening to me. "What do you think, Rock?"

"Rocky pass it already!" a man's voice called and Rocky hushed him quickly with a chuckle that almost resembled a cough.

"Rocky?" I tried again.

The man on the other line let another hum out. "Sounds great, babe," he said slowly. "I can't wait to see you." He lowered his voice. "And to be with you..." he murmured.

"I miss you," I swallowed. Something wasn't right.

"I miss you too. I have to go now, babe. Text me later. Maybe something dirty. A sexy pic. I miss your body."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye Rocky." I waited for his response before hanging up.

That call left me with a pit in my stomach and suddenly I couldn't bare to look at that room.

Night Owl -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now