Chapter Twenty Eight

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  "Is that a yes?" He beamed at my wide smile and I nodded furiously at him.

"HELL YES." I exclaimed and he stood up to kiss me and place the ring on my finger.

He kissed me more passionately than he ever had and I felt myself beaming from ear to ear throughout the entire thing. James squealed loudly almost as if he could feel the happiness in the air around him. Rocky sat him in his baby rocker in our room and buckled him in to soothe him. Rocky turned back to me and opened his eyes wide to me. "Where the fuck did that come from?" I said breathlessly as I rushed to hug him.

I held him tightly and he picked me up off the ground and squeezed me as he spun us in slow circles. "IT's felt right ever since I saw how were dealt with James being born." I told me into my ear. "If there is anyone I want to raise this baby and any more it's gonna be you. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my wife and to share it all with me."

I didn't even want to let go of him but the baby fussed from lack of attention (because we barely gave him any, right?) and whined to be held. Rocky set me down and looked over at James, "Dude, you gotta learn to give your mommy and I a moment." He cooed and picked up the little boy, "I haven't felt her boobies in two weeks and you get to do it several times a day."

"Rocky," I laughed and tried to correct him but he was right.

"What?" He shrugged, "Some day he'll learn that you don't interrupt a guy who's gettin' love."

"He sure doesn't understand that now." I walked over to the baby and stuck out my hand to him. He tried to reach out for me and fussed when he couldn't wriggle out of Rocky's firm grasp. "I guess I should feed him and put him to bed so you can feel my boobies, huh?" I winked at him and he smirked.

"I don't object." He replied, "And I'll put away his laundry while you feed him."

"Sounds like a good thing to me." I told him.

I set myself up in the rocking chair in J's room and Rocky began to fold the little socks and onesies in the basket and hung other things up.

"So is that why you've been acting so weird lately?" I asked him as I stared at the ring on my finger. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"Well yeah," He said as he organized the closet and got down clothes for James' next size he'd be reaching soon. "I was fucking- excuse me freaking- terrified of doing that. And I knew if I had the baby I would be calmer. But I was scared and I didn't think you would want it. I thought you would have laughed at me."

"Why do you say that?" I pouted playfully, "I would not have." I thought for a moment and spoke again, "Here's the thing, baby..." I sighed, "We've been together a little over a year. Things have changed quite a bit and the scenario is different."

"I don't understand." He said.

"Okay, well, take Rydel and Ellington... At one year together do you think they would have been ready to get engaged?" I asked him as I patted J's back.

"No, not at all." He shook his head.

"And I don't think we would have been ready for it either but I think that James made it different. Like a reason to make the commitment instead of just chilling, you know? Like it pushed things along and brought everything into perspective a little quicker."

"I see." He nodded, "I agree because when we were together for five months I was starting to think maybe on our second anniversary I would propose."

"You knew from that early on?" I smiled over at him.

"I knew from the second I met you at that party that something was different about you." He paused and leaned against the wall. "To me it was just a party but when you came into the room I was way more excited to be there."

"Really?" I smiled, "That was when I was living with Kayla and Scott and Mark. Like the four of us. I was modeling and Kayla was freelancing her makeup and the boys were laying on the couch smoking pot and being stupid all day..." I laughed to myself. "Best decision I ever made was moving into my own place. Once I could afford it I saw no reason to live with two deadbeats."

"Kayla's nice though." He shrugged.

"Riker nailed her like three times after that initial meeting." I rolled my eyes, "She still talks about that and asks about him but neither of them are the relationship type."

"I don't know, Tor, he was helping me with stuff tonight and writing the song and he seemed so into the idea of it." He turned back to the closet, "There's a lot of change going on around here. And Ellington is gonna propose to Rydel but he wants to wait a couple of weeks at least to see how she reacts to this one. She seemed good with it tonight. But she was hinting."

"Really?" I laughed, "I could see why." I moved James and he started to doze off as he finished eating. He sat quietly against my chest and I rubbed his back. "It's so odd how I didn't even think anyone in this family thought about marriage or a family until now."

"We didn't, Tor. It was the music or death." He laughed, "And I loved that but," He turned to me with a small chuckle and pointed at the baby asleep on my bare boob, "I love that even more."

"Ah the joys of parenting." I giggled and Rocky shut off the light in the room. I set James down in his crib and we closed the door to his room with a quiet click before going into our room for our own special engagement celebration.

"You can have one glass of wine?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Just one glass of red wine."

"Okay," He poured us each a glass and sat down on the bed next to me with a small kiss.

"I guess this isn't how you pictured this, is it?" I asked him and looked around.

"What ever could that mean?" He chuckled and sipped his drink.

"Like..." I thought, "When you thought of getting engaged I doubt it had anything to do with having your baby present during it... You probably didn't think you'd initially celebrate by putting laundry away and getting out 6 month clothing... And I doubt you pictured me being covered in milk and smelling like a baby." I laughed at my pathetic self.

"You're right..." He laughed, "I didn't picture any of those things but I wouldn't have changed it if I had to do it again." He shrugged and sipped, "I guess, Vic, I never even thought about marriage once the band took off. I liked flings and chilling and smoking and drinking. I didn't sleep with a lot of women though. And I never thought about any of my relationships getting to this level to where we literally share everything." He laughed, "So I guess I didn't even think about engagement as being a thing. And I'm glad things happened in this order for us because I, honestly, would have been so scared of the commitment of marriage that I might have cried and shit my pants, but the baby makes it easier."

"It's like taking a big responsibility and making it cute and adorable so it doesn't seem so scary." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sleepy."

"Me too..." He mumbled. "But it's our engagement night..."

"We could christen it with a solid three hours of sleep before J wakes up and wants to eat something?" I asked him hopefully.

"Or... We could get a solid two hours and thirty minutes of sleep and you could let me do you like a good fiance should." He said lowly.

I laughed and took his hand. "I do like the sound of that. And we can nap tomorrow during James' morning nap?"

"You speak my language..." He turned and kissed my lips. He took my wine glass and set it on the bedside table before pulling his shirt off of his body. "I love you..." He mumbled and kissed my skin below my jaw bone.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and took a deep breath.

It was all right again.

Night Owl -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now