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Friendship {Chapter 4}


"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" I smirked. Fayden rolled her eyes at me. She got out of her car and punched me in the arm.

"Well if you didn't leave so damn early then you could've taken him!" she hissed. All I did was laugh.

I walked over to Niall, "So, have fun on your first day of school here. Faye and I will help you keep out our trouble from the jackasses in our school. Faye dated one!"

I watched as Niall slowly walked into the building. Faye told me they had their first period together so she better wait up for him.

I walked around, waiting for the car I really wanted to see. I was so happy but no one except for her her can know why. I feel guilty for not ever telling Faye but she wouldn't understand. She's always seen me as 'the only good one.' She's referring to how I don't hang out with the crowd that a star football player hangs out with. I hated being around that 'popular' group. They were way too stuck up.

"Uh, hi Liam." I heard her voice behind me. There stood my secret girlfriend whom I think I loved. Reagen Whitingham.


I heard Nialls feet tapping on the ground as he followed me to my locker.

"Where's your locker?" he pointed to a locker about 3 away from mine. Great.

"I sense that I'll be seeing you a lot." he laughed. Probably. Ugh I don't know why but I'm just in a bad mood today. I feel really weird! For the first time in a long time I will be single at school. I can look at any guys with out feeling guilty. But the thing is I still did feel guilty! Especially talking to Niall.

I'm not going to lie, Niall is very attractive. His blonde hair and blue eyes can make any girl melt. He will probably hang out with the slutty popular girls that Liam tries to stay away from and that I absolutely hate. They thought they owned the school and they thought just because they have a few parties that they deserve special treatment. But they don't. It bothers the shit out of me at the main building. I feel bad for my siblings because they have to be around them but I have to be around the grown ones which is just sad.

"So, AP Calculus with Mr. Palkin? Is he hard?" Niall asked.

"Depend if he likes you or not." I simply answered. It was true though. If Mr. Palkin didn't like you, he wasn't afraid to show it. Mr. P liked me a lot. Apparently I reminded him of his daughter who passed away about three years ago. She died from a car accident. It was really tragic.

I walked into Mr. P's class and sat in my usual seat.

"You must be Niall. I am Mr. Palkin. If you could just sit down right there." he pointed to a seat right in the front. I sat in the middle of everyone. 

Class dragged on. Niall looked like he was really interested in what Mr. P was saying. I certainly wasn't. my mind has been all jumbled up since Harry went all 'I-want-to-change; on me. I wonder if he's still like that. You never know with Harry. 

"Hey Faye." I heard right after the bell rang. I turned my head to find yet another of my guy friends, Zayn.

"Hey!" I said with a smile. Our relationship was complicated. We almost dated before Harry came into the picture. He was a really sweet guy.

"I heard you and Harry broke up." 

This better not be going where I think it's going. But my prayers were answered.

"Fayden, I need help finding my next class." Niall stated.

"Sorry, I have to help Niall." I quickly got up and rushed out the room, hooking arms with Niall.

"Thanks for helping."

"No, thank you. You just helped me out of the most awkward situation!" I giggled.

"Was he about to ask you out?" he smiled widely.

"Yeah I think."

"Oh, well I actually think my next class is right here." he pointed to Mrs. Aleman's room.

"Okay well have fun!" I said sarcastically.


Classes seemed to last a lifetime! I tried really hard to pay attention to what my teachers were trying to say but my mind just couldn't focus. I was really nervous about tonight. I'm like the king of awkward situations. I never know what to say when I'm talking to someone I don't really know. Liam was really easy to talk to but I don't know about Fayden. I was comfortable around her but I don't know what to say! Good thing Liam will be there to make sure I don't make a fool of myself.

Finally, the last school bell rang for me. I headed to my locker when I noticed two girls obviously staring at me. I tried to ignore them and soon reached my locker. They stayed close to me. I don't know what they are trying to do but they aren't doing it very subtly.

I got all my things when I realized I came to school with Faye. How the hell am I going to get home? Faye wasn't at her locker, probably because she got out earlier than me. It was about 1:30. I decided to text Liam.

To: Liam

*Hey, I kind of have a problem.*

From: Liam

*You're stuck at school, aren't you?*

To: Liam

*How'd you know?*

From: Liam

*I saw you come to school with Faye and Faye is with me so I assumed. We're on our way*

Just as I looked up from my phone, I saw the two girls that were practically staling me, right in front of me.

"I'm Amy and that's Reagen and we think you are highly attractive." 

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