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 |A/N sorry for the late updates! A lot going on at school and shtuff! Shout out to Erin and Erica for always reminding me to update|

Aquainted {Chapter 9} 


We were almost done with the movie and I was still cuddled into Niall's chest. I've already seen this movie and didn't really find it that funny anymore but I laughed only because of Niall. His laugh was the cutest and most contagious. Every time he did laugh he would throw back his head and chuckle so loud that he couldn't control it. He would also squeeze me tighter and I liked that. 

We were at the part in the movie where the college guys go to the costume party. When they all started fighting is when Niall had a complete laughing fit and I fell onto the ground from Niall flying his eyes around.

"Hey! That hurt!" I laughed but it only made everyone laugh harder.

I crawled over to the middle of the living room and sat criss-cross-applesauce and crossed my arms.

"Awh don't pout!" Niall exclaimed.

"Niall. She does that all the time when she's faking being angry." Liam explained.

"Well as long as she's faking, then I don't give a fu-"


He cocked his head to the side, "Really? I hear you cuss all the time."

"Well, my dear Niall, I am allowed. I don't believe you telling me that you are allowed to cuss." I promptly told him.

"Well, my dear Faye, I am allowed." he looked me in the eyes and winked.

Most of the night went on like this. One of us would either make a pathetic attempt at trying to ragely storm out or making a dramatic scene but never worked and we just laughed. It is about 1:00 am now and we are still up with full energy except for Reagen.

"Liam, babe, I am very tired." she yawned.

"Well I guess that's my cue to go to bed then. Niall? Where can we sleep?" 

"You guys can go up to my bedroom as long as things don't get frisky. Faye and I can sleep down here."

Liam laughed, "Alright."

"Well since they are gone.. do you wanna play a game?" Niall asked.


"20 questions."

"Okay then. You first." I said.

 "Favorite color?" he squinted.

"Uh purple, no, blue. No! It's orange. Orange, yeah." I decided, "Favorite food?"

"All food! Any pets?"

"No but I really want one!"

The game consisted of us asking each other dumb questions.

"Oh Niall, it's your last question!"

"Hmm it's completely elementary but who do you like? And I don't mean in a friendly way but in a crushin' type of way."

I really had to think about it. I mean, I don't really pay attention to a lot of guys at our school. I mean there are a few extremely attractive guys but I never talked to them. I am actually rather shy. I don't want to say Harry because he is in my past and I don't really want to think about him ever again in a romantic kind of way. The thing is Niall actually came to my mind. I mean, I haven't known him for a long time but I really got to know his personality and him tonight but I don't want to ruin a new friendship. 

"Uh, I don't really like anyone at the moment. I guess I just need to explore my options. I've been dating Harry all school year."

"Oh," he looked a little disappointed, "Your last question." he brightened up.

"Uh are you a virgin?"

"Is it bad if I say no?" 


"It was dumb! I was completely wasted and I barely remember anything. I actually don't even remember who the girl was!"

"Niall that's terrible!"

"What about you?"

"You are out of questions!" I smirked.

"You know, it's getting late. Maybe we should get to bed."

"But it's only 1:30!" I gasped.

Right then he grabbed me wedding style and threw me onto the couch and then laid on top of me.

"Niall!" I tried to yell but was muffled by the couch.

"How 'bout we watch a scary movie? Oh The Possession looks good!" I got my head out from under him.

"No! I can't watch scary movies!"


"Fine, but you have to sit right her by me! And if I shit my pants, you can't judge me!"

"Haha I promise I will not judge you!" he laughed.

Niall got off me and let me sit up. He went to the movie on Netflix and turned it on. He scooted over to me and put his arm technically around me. It was on the couch but it was behind me.

I guess this was my chance to see if I had any feelings for him. When we cuddled during Grown Up 2 I had crazy butterflies and I actually really want to do it again. He had this sort of trance to me. 

I took my chance and scooted closer to him and rested my head on to his chest. He then dropped his arm and rested it onto my shoulder. I really liked how this felt. 

I was doing really good for most of the movie. Now and then I would grip onto Niall's arms or hide my face into his chest and all he did was laugh at me. We were now at the part where Emily is at the doctor office and is getting the CAT scan and the doctors and the parents are looking at the results and stuff.

"DID YOU SEE THE FACE? HOLY SHIT THERE WAS A FACE NIALL!" I completely freaked out and hugged Niall to hide my face. 

I stayed into his chest.

"Faye, look!" he made me look at his flat-screen TV.

When I looked there was a hand coming out of the persons mouth. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the tv.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Niall playfully poked me in the stomach.

"No. That was too weird. I am never watching another scary movie ever again.

"Well I guess we should go to bed. It is almost three." he took his arm away and got up. I grabbed his hand.

"Uh, could you maybe stay on this couch with me?" he smiled.

Niall wiggled his eyebrows and walked over to the near wall and turned off the lights but kept a table lamp on right by the couch on. He then walked over to the couch and squeezed himself behind me on the couch as we laid down together. He put his left arm around my waist. I could feel slight butterflies in my stomach as his warm hands touched me. 

"Thanks Niall. For everything." I turned my body to face him. Our faces only centimeters away from on another.

"That's what I'm here for." he said as he slowly leaned in closer.

All of a sudden lights turn, "Now look what we have here!" Liam says as he leans over the couch to face Niall and I, grinning like an idiot.

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