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Confession {Chapter 12}

"What?!" I turned around. I couldn't even look at her.

"This is why mom wanted to have family day tomorrow. I was going to tell Caleb and Dad then. I wanted to tell you now because I don't want you to overreact in front of anyone. Out of the whole family, I was worried the most about telling you. I've looked up to you forever and I don't want anything to ruin our relationship!" Carah explained.

"Well you did. I am a freaking senior in high school and I haven't even had sex yet and for God's sake you're freaking pregnant!"


"Don't." I said bluntly. 

I could not deal with this right now. This was suppose to be a good night. I kissed Niall and it felt absolutely amazing and then goddamn Carah has to come in and ruin it.

"Well, you can't get an abortion or anything. You know that right?" I asked her.

"I know if I did that you would never talk to me again."

"We can talk about this further in the morning when I can think straight." Carah walked out my room and closed the door silently.

I opened up my laptop and got onto Skype. I really needed someone to talk to. I called Liam but he didn't answer. The only person online was Louis, my cousin who graduated from North High about 2 years ago. He lives close to us but always seems to be doing something.

I clicked on 'video call' and Louis almost immediately picked up.

"Well if it isn't my wonderful cousin that I have yet to talk to in about a 4 month time span!" he exclaimed.

"Uh hi Louis. How's it been?"

"Eleanor moved in to my home! And I think I'm going to start a band, how does 'The Point' sound?"

"Not very good," I giggled.

"I'm working on it okay! So, not to be rude or anything, but why did you call me?"

"I just needed someone to talk to you know? There's a lot of things going on in this house."

"Like what?'

"Carah might be pregnant," I mumbled.

"Woah, woah, woah. Little Carah that I drove to her first day of High School?"

"Yeah, that's the one!"

"You said maybe right? So there is a chance shes not?"

"I'm guessing that she just did the at home test so it won't be official until we go into the doctor."


"I'm not going to abandon my little sister at this type of crisis. I know she needs me right now and no matter how mad I am at her, I love her and I wouldn't leave her."

"Aww sisterly love! I have to go now! Eleanor and I are going to do a bit of partying tonight!"

We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I got ready to sleep and laid in my bed. I couldn't really sleep knowing that I could be an aunt in 9 months. It is really crazy. I guess I just have to live with my sisters choice. 


I woke up at around 8:30. I don't really have a lot planned other than the meeting where my sister breaks the news that she's prego. I might not even go because I already know what she's going to say. The only reason I really want to go is to see how my brother and dad react. I know they won't be happy with my sisters decisions. 

I decide to bum it today and put on a pair of black capri yoga pants and a purple sport jacket with my teal tennis shoes. I braid my hair into a dutch braid down the back of my head. I only put on minimal make-up.

I walk downstairs and see that no one is awake yet in my family but know the Paynes will be wide awake at this hour. It was a nicer day so I decided to walk down the street and eat breakfast at Liams house. 

When I walk into the door I can smell pancakes and bacon.

"Mrs. Payne, you have outdone yourself again!" I say.

The breakfast table was full of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and more. Mrs. Payne motions me to grab a plate and eat and I do just that. As I grab for a piece of toast, I could here Liam coming down the steps. 

"It's always nice to see a friends face in the morning!" Liam smiled.

"Dido, my friend." we sat down at the table with full plates of food.

"So, you and Niall kissed?"

I blushed, "Yeah, we did."

"Has he asked you out?"

"Liam! We have only gone on one date together!" I acted very surprised.

Since Liam mentioned Niall, Mrs. Payne made it her duty to know everything about him and his relation to me. Liam and I went up to his room and messed around for an hour or two.

My phone started to buzz, "Where the hell are you?" I heard my mom viciously hiss into the phone.

|I'm so sorry that this chapter sucks, I just know I needed to update.|

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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