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Secrets {Chapter 5}


"Thanks girls." I said very fast. I didn't exactly want to speak to these girls. They were completely fake. Their eyes were covered in colorful eye shadow and bland black eyeliner. They wore fake eyelashes with bright lipstick. Their outfit was the most disgusting though. They both wore pencil-skirts with shirts that barely fit them, you could tell they were trying to show off the little cleavage that they have. 

"Your name's Niall right?" The girl I assumed to be Reagen said.

"Uh, yeah." I mumbled.

"Can we walk you out to your car?" Amy asked.

"Sure, my ride should be here soon." I walked out of the front doors of the school. I could tell Amy and Reagen stayed a little behind me. I heard them whisper harshly at each other before only Reagen came out.

"Amy's boyfriend was calling her." Reagen informed me. 

I walked and stood in front of Faye's parking space, assuming that it's where they will pick me up. Reagen trailed behind me and stood extremely close to me.

"I'm sorry if we gave you a bad impression earlier." she whined.

"You didn't. Well, sort of, but it's okay. I like straight-forward girls." I winked. She laughed and took a step toward me. 

"Well, I like guys with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile." she said, taking another step toward me, our noses only centimeters apart. 

"Now Reagen, I just met you!" I said slyly, not moving an inch. 

"Well I like making a good first-impression." she leaned in and our lips met. I went slow, seeing that I was hoping this would just be our one and only kiss. She moved in closer, to make sure there was no space between us. I heard a honk and jumped away from Reagen.

"You ready to take a breath?" Faye laughed.


That freaking dick. He was kissing Reagen. My Reagen. She said she changed. I should've known better. Why couldn't I be like Faye? She got away from Harry.

The truth is I am exactly like Faye. Time and time again I had listened how she was heart-broken over Harry and I would tell her that she deserves better than him, but here I am. I am such a freakin' hypocrite. I know I can do better than Reagen but she always said the right things. She was the ideal girlfriend, when we were alone, that is. 

"You ready to take a breath?" Faye laughed.

"I have to go." Niall backed away from Reagen and she turned to me. She froze. Yeah, she knew.

Niall sat in the back seat and took a deep breath.

"Well how th hell did that happen?" Faye questioned with a strand of anger in her voice.

"She just came up to me and we talked for like two minutes and then she stated kissing me!" he retorted.

"Wow! You move fast! I'll be expecting an invitation to the wedding next week!" Faye joked.

"Well I didn't really want her kissing me!" he confessed.

"It didn't look like you were giving much of a fight." I huffed.

"I guess there was just something about her kiss that I didn't want to stop." I knew exactly what he meant. Her lips were mesmerizing. Don't Liam. She's a cheating little slut. Niall probably wasn't the first guy she's done this to.  God! How could I be so stupid!

"Hey Liam, I love school as much as the next person, but can we get going?" Faye snapped me back to reality. I didn't even realize that I was still in the parking spot.

"I wonder why Reagen ran off." Niall whispered.

I couldn't take it. I got out of the car and ran into the school.

"Reagen!" I screamed.


"Well that was weird." I said as I crawled into the driver seat.

"Yeah, really!" Niall agreed.

Inside I was actually really pissed. The thing Liam knew was that I make jokes when I'm angry because I hate being angry. I know when people are angry, they do stupid things. My dad is a recovered alcoholic. I was just a kid but I remember every single thing he broke in our house. He said that his and my mom's love is stronger because they went through absolute hell when my dad was an alcoholic. She told me that she knew she needed to stay because she didn't want her children growing up without a father and that she knew he would get better. I envy her for that.

"Well," I sighed as I started the car, "I better be getting home. In home, I mean Liam's house. He should get home soon and we still have that movie tonight!"

"How is he going to get home?"

I pointed to the shiny grey car next to us, "His mom works here and she's still here."

He nodded in understandment. I drove out of the school parking lot and drove to Liam's house. I got out of the car and walked into Liam's house. 

"Am I suppose to go home or-?"

"You can stay if you want. Do you have homework?" I asked.

"No. I guess I'll stay." I was kind of disappointed in his answer. I was mad at Niall. I'm mad that I was right. Niall was kissing one of the sluttiest girls at our school! I didn't want to be right. I was hoping that Niall, Liam and I could stay friends but I won't be able to stay friends with Niall if he was going to be hanging around those types of girls. That's why I loved Liam. Even though he was really popular, he didn't need to stay around those girls. 

I do think it's weird that Liam practically ran after Reagen. I mean, I know they are some-what friends, I've seen them talk a lot in school but I just thought that it was Liam being friendly. I was obviously wrong.

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