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A stream of bright sunlight shone through my curtains directly on to my face. Sluggishly sitting up in the bed, I lifted my hand to try to block the light from hitting my eyes. I blinked rapidly as I looked around my room before my eyes settled on my nightstand.

I reached for my wristwatch that was nestled between a glass of water and a half eaten bag of M&M's. 6:55

Crap! Sarah is going to take forever in the bathroom if I don't get there before her I thought as I jumped out of bed and raced around my room to gather my clothes for school.

I quickly ran from my room into the hallway leading to the bathroom. Sarah was a few feet ahead of me. She was still half asleep. So, I took it as an opportunity to pick up my pace. Running past her I dashed into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Johnny!" she yelled as she hit the door.

"I'll be right out. I promise," I said with a smirk. I heard her groan and stomp back to her room.

I took a quick shower and dressed. It was the first day of junior year. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was pretty excited that school was starting back.

I brushed my dark brown hair, then applied some gel and hairspray to keep it down.

"Johnny! Hurry up! I have to get ready too!" Sarah yelled as she banged on the door.

"Alright. Calm down, I'm out, " I said stepping out of the bathroom. She stood in the hall with her blonde hair in a crazy mess on her head, and her arms folded across her chest. I winked at her as I past her before walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Johnny." my uncle said cheerfully.

"Morning," I walked over to my aunt who was making pancakes, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Well someone's excited about school," she said. I sat down at the table.

"I don't know. I heard there was going to be new students this year. That's pretty exciting." I shrugged.

"New students? . . . Probably some more of those colored kids," my uncle said shaking his head before returning to his morning newspaper.

"Every colored person I've met was really nice to me. I don't see a problem with it." I stated.

He scoffed. "They need their own school. Don't need to be mixing with our kids."

I frowned. "Good thing I'm not your kid, huh?" I said.

"Alright that's enough you two. Can we have a peaceful breakfast please?" my aunt said setting the plate of pancakes on the table just as Sarah came down the steps.

"Morning everybody," she said sitting down beside me. Her blonde hair now styled in a high ponytail and her face powdered with makeup.

"Good morning, sweetheart. You look marvelous this morning."

"Oh mama, I'm so excited! Misty'll be here in a little while," She said happily. I groaned.

I personally disliked Misty. She was a stuck up rich girl who got everything she wanted. And the girl was obsessed with me ever since the seventh grade. She became friends with Sarah just so she could get closer to me. She was like an annoying pest that would not leave me alone.

"Oh stop, you know you like her," Sarah teased.

"No. I really don't."

"Well, she's walking with us to school today.

"Then I guess I'd better leave now," I said standing up.

"No, you're not! You are walking her to school, Johnny. God only knows what would happen to her if she walked by herself. With all those colored kids going to the school now." He shook his head at the thought.

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