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"You haven't looked as good as you do right now, Johnny Johnson." Misty gushed as she looked up at me.

I looked down at the completey pink suit she had me try on, "Humph. . .Yeah?  Well, I think I look like a big 'ol bottle of Pepto Bismal."

"Oh hush. You look handsome." She stepped up on the platform with me and squealed with excitement as she looked in the mirror at us, "We are gonna be the best looking couple at that dance, Johnny. I can feel it." She gave my arm a light squeeze.

I nodded, "If you say so." I muttered as I stepped down.

"Do you like it, sir? " The attendant asked as he walked up to me. 

". . . Yeah.  I'll take it."

"Alrighty then.  Just take it off and we'll wrap it up for you."

I nodded and walked into the changing room across from the mirrors.

I listened as Misty hummed along to the music from the radio.

Taking another look at the suit, I shook my head in disbelief before taking it off and changing into my regular clothes.

I walked out and headed for the cash register. Misty followed.

"I'm so excited, Johnny." she gushed as I paid.

I simply nodded,  because I didn't feel like talking to her anymore. 

The clerk handed me the bag.

"Thank you." I said kindly. 

I turned and walked out of the store.

"Hey, Johnny! Wait up. " Misty called from behind me. 

I continued walking, acting as if I didn't hear her.

She ran to catch up, "Johnny, I'm headed over to the Diner for a milkshake. . . Wanna join me?"

I shook my head, "Aunt Clara hates when I spoil dinner. Maybe some other time?"

With that I turned down the street that was headed toward the neighborhood instead of going further into town. 

I felt bad for purposely avoiding spending any time with Misty, but that girl was leech. She sucked any type of fun out of all situations.

I shrugged and continued down the street until I made it to my house. 

My aunt looked up from her book as I walked in.

"You found a suit?!" she asked excitedly. I nodded.

"Let me see! Go try it on."

I sighed and nodded as I turned and headed upstairs.

I walked past Sarah's room to see her door was cracked slightly.

I knocked twice and walked in.

She sat at her desk, writing away.

"Hey, Sarah."

She didn't even bother to look up.

"I just came from the tailor's. . . I'm about to try on the suit for aunt Clara. You're welcome to--"

"I never said you could come in, so please leave my room."

I was a little shocked to hear her be so hostile.

After standing there for a short moment, I turned to leave, but stopped and closed the door. 

I whipped around to her, "You have no right to be mad at me, Sarah."

She set down her pen and faced me, "No right? You brought a colored girl into the house."

I swallowed hard, "Lily! Her name is Lily. Not some colored girl. And yes, I let her in. But have you ever thought about why I did?" I took a moment to take a deep breath. She flicked her eyes up to mine.

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