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"This is it." I said as we approached my house.

Lily's eyes doubled in size as she looked up at it, "You live here?" She asked in disbelief.

I chuckled and walked up to the back door. She hesitantly followed.

I opened the door and allowed her to walk in first.

Closing the door behind me, I looked up at her.

I watched as her big brown eyes looked around the kitchen, taking in everything.

She unknowingly pulled on her sleeve and chewed on her bottom lip. Obviously scared and nervous. I took a step closer gave her arm a light rub.

"It's okay. You don't need to be nervous. It's just us." I reassured her.

She looked up and gave me a small smile.

"There's more room to dance downstairs. We have a radio down there too." I opened the basement door and walked down. Turning the lights on as I descended.

I listened to her light footsteps as she followed.

Our basement wasn't a regular basement. In fact my aunt and uncle have thrown house parties down there many times.

The large room was split in half. One half was set up like a living room, with a couch and carpeted floors. While the other half was a huge wooden dance floor, with a small bar in the corner.

Lily gasped, "Whoa."

I walked over to the radio, tuning it until I found a good song.

"Alright! Show me whatcha' got." I said as I pulled her to the center of floor.

She gulped and slowly started dancing along to the beat.

The way she moved wasn't like normal kids. She somehow bent her knee a weird way and flung her arms around.

I bit my lip in order to keep from laughing, but a small chuckle escaped.

She suddenly stopped and hid her face, "Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry! It's just-- you look like a wounded deer."

She groaned, "I told you I can't dance!"

"And I'm going to fix that."

I walked up to her and grabbed her hands.

"Now. Just follow my lead."

I started to move along to the beat, pulling Lily along with me.

She slowly danced along, but kept her eyes glued to our feet.

She was doing pretty good until the fast song ended and a slow song started.

I pulled her closer. I put her right hand on my shoulder and her left in my hand. While I let my left hand slip down to her hip.

"One, two, three. One, two, three." I said as we danced. Her doe eyes never leaving our feet.

I lifted her chin and raised it up until our eyes met.

"There. Keep your eyes on mine. Now when I step forward, you step back. " I instructed.

She must have misunderstood me because when I stepped forward, she did too.


"I'm so sorry!" She yelled. I smiled.

"It's okay. Let's try again. Step back, okay?"

She nodded.

I stepped forward and so did she. I bit my tongue in order from expressing my injury out loud.

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