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That's all I could think when I made eye contact with Lily.

She can't see you like this.

But she did. She saw me start that whole mess. She saw me get beaten to bloody pulp. And now she saw me run away like the coward I am.

I ran as fast as I could through the trees that lead to a back way to my house.

With the grand white house in sight I booked it to the back door. Bombarding my way in and slamming the door behind me.

"Johnny? Oh my-- what happened to you?!" My aunt cried from the table.

I leaned against the door as I tried to catch my breath. She raced from the kitchen into the next room, bringing back towels and bandages.

"Oh sweetie! What happened?!" She yelled as she wiped the blood that ran down my face.

". . . Got in a little fight," I managed to say, even though my jaw hurt from the multiple punches.

"A little fight? Johnny. . . you're face is starting to swell,"

I flinched everytime she touched my face with the towel.

"The blood is running down your neck. Here take your shirt off," she said helping me raise my arms. I was able to pull the my shirt half way off before I doubled over in pain. My chest and stomach felt like fire.

"Johnny who did this?!" She yelled. I shook my head.

"Nobody," I muttered. She frowned.

"Nobody?! You're chest is black and blue! I want to know right now! Who did this to you?!"

"Bennie," I said through a sigh. I held on to my chest as I slid down to the floor.

"I'm taking you to the hospital,"

"No! I don't--"

"Now!" She yelled. Her voice stern. Meaning that we were in fact going to the hospital. She helped my stand up and lead me through the house to the front door. She helped down the steps and into the car. Within minutes we were driving down the road toward the hospital.


"He should be able to go home tomorrow. We would like to keep an eye on him through the night. See how he reacts to the medication," the doctor said to my aunt and uncle.

"Thank you, doctor," my uncle said shaking his hand. The doctor smiled and quickly exited the room.

Sarah sat besides me, holding my hand with tears in her eyes. She and my uncle made it here about an hour after we did.

"You almost broke your jaw, a fractured rib, and eight stitches?!" My uncle yelled at me, "All because you were messing with some colored boy?! What did I tell you about their kind?! Huh?!"

"Stop it, Hank. He's been through enough for one day," my aunt said grabbing onto his arm.

He yanked his arm away, "let's go!"

"Who's gonna stay here with--" Sarah began

"I said let's go!" He yelled at her. She jumped from his powerful voice, but slowly stood up and obeyed her father.

My aunt walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the top of my head, "Goodnight,honey. I'll be back tomorrow morning,"

I nodded and watched as she followed the rest out of the room.

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