Chapter Eight

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The next day was packed with customers at the Twin Tree Cafe, which was actually a blessing in disguise, I later realized, because I had hardly enough time to check my watch. Every time I did, it seemed that hours passed by faster and faster. However, the busier work load was a lot to take in at first, and as I worked, I cursed,

"Of course there are more customers today. Of course."

"What was that, deary? I canna hear ye, with my poor ears and such." I grinned as Maggie strode in front of me, and lied,

"Oh, I was just talking to myself. I said, 'Wow! There are more customers today...'"

"Yes, isn't it great? We'll be finally gettin' some business 'round here."

"Hehe, yeah I guess so!" I chuckled nervously as she strode back to the break room, and sighed. I hummed as I washed mugs stained with memories of espressos and mochas. I now understood why Asher wore his headphones, and I longed for some of my own. Humming quietly, I soon finished the dishes and began to sweep the floor. I didn't mind all the cleaning; in my mind, I thought of Jesse and the concert tonight. I had never been to a concert, and although Jesse had told me that tonight's was a symphonic one, I had no idea what she had meant. I only hoped that it was worth the wait, and as I swept, I anxiously pondered the possibilities in my head. Just then, I heard a familiar jingle and saw a hooded figure trudge in through the door.

"Good afternoon, Asher." He nodded once in my direction before shuffling to the back, and I sighed relieved. Maybe I would be able to get off work early and talk to Jesse beforehand. Beaming at the thought, I swept faster, and was soon joined by Asher, who swept alongside me. Trying to pass time, I exclaimed,

"Hey Asher. How are you?"

"Fine." He grumbled, and I looked away, disappointed. I moved away quickly, and served several customers before returning,

"Sounds like someone needs a cup of coffee. Want me to fire one up for you?"

"Sure, but just espresso please." I remembered Jesse then, how she magically made me one, just the way I liked it. I smiled, then shaking my head, grabbed a mug, and whistled.

As we drank our respective drinks in the break room, we chatted idly, and every so often, I would check my watch. Now that the time was nearing, it flew by, and I was practically bouncing in my seat.

"Busy day, huh?" Asher murmured, and I had to ask him to speak up before understanding him.

"Yeah! We had like, 20 customers today... It was insane, but I managed." I shrugged easily but my thoughts said otherwise.

"So, busy night last night? You came in late." I chuckled, and secretly hoped he had slept in and not purposefully come late.

"Nope, but I did have some friends over. We hung out, played a couple tunes, and got totally wasted. I woke up all messed up, and I'm still queasy." I looked at him, checking his story. He didn't look sick, in fact, he looked better than usual. His cheeks were rosier, and his skin was slightly tanner. I shook it off, and checked my watch. It was 4:30, and I broke out into an uncontrollable grin. I opened my eyes to see a confused stare directed at me, and I laughed before explaining,

"I'm meeting a friend tonight, and going to hear a symphony for the first time! Isn't it great?" Hearing a mumble of words from Asher, I shrugged then tore off my apron, grabbed my belongings and headed out the door.

I didn't know why, but before I went to the orchard, I first went home. I ran, hoping I had time. I ran up several flights of stairs, then collapsed on my bed, before realizing my mission. I pulled at my closet door, willing it to open, and it wobbled and slammed against the wall before stopping. I sifted the through various outfits, looking for anything fancy at all. I flipped through shirts hopelessly, until my eyes landed on a cozy green sweater with light brown sleeves, and jeans that didn't have holes in them. I still wore my red Converse tennis shoes, and as I examined myself in the mirror, I heard a faint scratching noise, and I grinned. Tying my shoe laces quickly, I bolted out the door, eager for the evening's delights. 

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