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The day P!NK would land in melbourne on her snazzy private jet was getting closer and closer. I coudn't believe i was going to the second show of her marathon she was about to perform.


I woke up one morning a few days before the show. It was now the school holidays so i had one less thing to focus on, my brain was completely overtaken by thoughts of P!NK. I rolled over to my side in bed and lazily checked my phone with one eye open. I had been keeping a close eye on my emails lately just incase. My inbox had way more emails than i normally have. I opened the app and there was the usual emails from ellen and the daily news, but one caught my eye straight away. It was titled 'WINNER: COVERGIRL' in bold capitals and it read

"Hi there,

Some exciting news from COVERGIRL!

I am pleased to let you know you that you have won tickets for you and a friend to see P!NK live in concert in your nominated state!

Your tickets will arrive shortly in the post, so please keep an eye out for them.

I hope you enjoy the show!"

I swear my heart exploded out of my chest.. i never win ANYTHING. But i did put more effort into this competition than i ever have, ever. It wasn't meet and greet, but hey, i was going to see my idol twice!

I then went to my school inbox to check the emails there and sure enough, there was another email from Covergirl. I did a little squeal and jumped out of bed to tell my mum the great news that i had won two double passes!

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