Chapter 10

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I decided to ignore Jimin . That's the best thing I can do .

" Good Morning Shruti " I said .

" Good Morning Aarya , How are you ?" Said Shruti .

" Great " I said and went to take a shower .

I heard someone talking with Shruti but ignored it and continued what I was doing .

Shruti's POV
After Aarya went to take a shower I decided to clean the our room because it was bit messy .But then I heard a knock on the door I went and opened it . It was none other than Taehyung.

" How's she ?" asked Taehyung

" She is fine but I think it would be best if you and your group just stay away from her " I said .

" How are you ?" he asked.

" I am fine . How's Jimin ?" I asked .

" He is not that good . He is hurt and blames himself for what that Eun Hi did " said Taehyung .

" I got your message but " I said but I got cut off by Taehyung .

" Don't worry I will wait for your answer " said Taehyung .

" What answer Taehyung ?" asked Aarya coming out of the bathroom .

" It's nothing Aarya and Taehyung was just leaving. Bye Taehyung and remember what I told you " said Shruti .

" Bye Taehyung " said Aarya .

" Bye girls " said Taehyung and went .

" Ok then I will change and then we can go " I said .

" Cool " said Aarya .

Aarya's POV

I heard a bit of what Tae and Shruti were talking . I should ask Taehyung about message did he send to Shruti .

" Shruti , are you keeping something from me ?" I asked .

" Yes , I am but I was afraid that if I told you will get upset that what a bad friend I am rather than helping you I am telling you about my life " said Shruti .

" Idiot , You really think that I will get upset now telling me everything " I said with a smile .

" Everyone should get a friend like you " she said .

" Don't get too emotional " I said.

" I will tell you while walking to our  college" she said .

" Great , Let's go " I said and picked up my bag and opened the door only to come face to face with the guy I planned to ignore .

" Aarya " He said .

He looked really bad . His eyes were red it looked like he cried whole night .His hairs were messy . He was wearing the clothes from yesterday .

" Jimin , what do you want ? And I told Taehyung that you all should stay away from Aarya " said Shruti coming to my side.

" I just came to ask how she is ? And I can see now that she is better . I will leave " said Jimin and went .

" What just happened ?" I asked with confusion .

" I don't know " said Shruti .

" So about you and Tae ?" I asked.

" Aarya wait up " I heard a familiar voice of Chanyeol .

" Hi Channie " I said .

" I am sorry Aarya , but you are not angry at me right ?" said Chanyeol .

" No why would I be angry on you " I said .

" Aarya " said Jin running towards me and then hugged me from front .

" Aarya " I heard a familiar voice of Kyunsoo and felt him hugging me from back .

I am sure if they wouldn't have been gay all would have called me by bad names.

" Guys what did I told you Shruti said to stay away from her " said Taehyung coming into view .

" We are sorry Shruti but that can't be done " said Baekhyun and waved at me with big smile.

" And about Jimin . We told him to stay away from you and he promised that he will not come near you " said Jongin.

I saw a familiar figure of Jimin far away from where I was . When he noticed me staring him he went away .

" I should never make any plans I swear because I can't even in force them .The guy I hated till last night I feel bad for him today why ?" I said to myself .

" Guys where is Jungkook ?" I asked.

" We don't know " said All .

" Ok " I said and searched for Jungkook with my eyes and then I saw my kookie looking down and walking .

" Excuse me " I said and walked near him .

" Kookie " I said .

" Noona " said Kookie but I gasped when I saw his eyes red and pluffy by crying hard and still tears were following from his eyes .

" Noona " He said and hugged me and started crying .

Hope you like this chappie. About Shruti and Taehyung story you have to wait and it will be little bit of their background but I am planning to write a new story about Taehyung and Shruti's love story in detail . But it will start after this story is completed  Tell me if you want the stories of Chanbaek , Namjin and Kaisoo also .Above is the picture of Kim Jongin aka Kai ❤❤❤❤

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Aarya ❤❤❤❤❤

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