Chapter 14

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Next day as planned I went with Jimin in the break .

" Baekhyun Hyung was saying the truth about Dara " said Jimin .

" Ohh " I said .

" So here the plan I have thought of " said Jimin and started explaining me what is going to do in order to make Chan release about the mistake he made .

" I am in " I said smiling .

" Ok . I told other about it and they are also in so we will start the plan after vacations and you know right what you have to do " said Jimin.

" Yes I know " I said .

" Jimin Oppa " said someone .

I turned to see it was Ian's girlfriend . She was one of the girl in the college whom every guy had crush except the boys in our group . She was a bit taller than me typical queen bee type .

" Krystal " said Jimin .

" Jimin Oppa I heard about a rumor that you have a crush on this girl " said Krystal pointing at me .

" What Jimin has crush on me that not possible right ?It's just a rumor why will he like someone like me " I thought.

" Why do you care Krystal if I have a crush on Aarya or not you have to no rights to even ask about it " said Jimin looking at me .

" But I am curious Jimin Oppa " said Krystal in a high voice that made everyone look in our direction .

" Yes I have crush on Aarya now leave " said Jimin .

Hearing just what he said made my heart beat faster than it ever had .

She looked at me and then at Jimin and went .

" Aarya " said Jimin.

" Is it true that you have a crush on me ?" I asked .

" No , why will I have a crush on you " said Jimin.

" Oh yeah why will you have a crush on me stupid me " I said and started walking away .

"Aarya you really are stupid why will a guy like Jimin have a crush on you . Stop thinking about what Jimin said " I said to myself and continued walking .

I was walking when I bumped with someone it was Chanyeol .

" Aarya are you fine ? Have you seen Baekhyun " asked Chan .

" I am fine and why do you care about Baek now Chan do you want to insult him more " I said .

" No I ... " said Chanyeol .

" Chanyeol it will be better if you gave him some space it will him move on from you " I said .

" What move on ? He can't just move on " said Chanyeol .

" He can move on and why do you care you are with that Dara right so " I said.

" Aarya don't say that " said Chanyeol .

" I have a class so now please excuse me " I said .

I saw Chanyeol looking a bit sad but he deserves it .

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