Chapter 30

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Unknown's POV

" Why is she not waking up Taemin ? Tell that idiot brother of my to atleast call a doctor " I said because it was past 4 hours and still she has not been awake .

I heard the door being opened and another boy being pushed inside by that dongsaeng mine .
That boy had a feminine figure and was really handsome . I saw him staring at me and then at that girl . He ran in her direction .

" Aarya !!!!!!! Aarya wake up " said that boy with tears running down his eyes .

" Suho call a doctor please " I said .

" Yaaa Suho call the damn doctor " said that guy and punched Suho .

" Baekhyunsshi you are being to much strong now a days " said Suho and laughed .

" The doctor is here " said Onew .

The doctor checked her and then said " She is fine but it will take some time for her to be awake "

" Kamasahminda Doctor " said that Baekhyun guy .

" Done now let's leave " said Suho and took that doctor with him .

" Aarya , Jiminaa will be here for you soon and will be others ok " said that Baekhyun guy and kissed her forehead .

" I am sorry to interrupt but did you mean Park Jimin " I asked with curiosity .

" Yes , why do asked ?" He asked .

" Just wanted to confirm " I said and went back to my place when I noticed that he had a cut on his hand and on his lips .

I took the first aid and walked near him and tapped his shoulder .

" I have to clean your cuts or they will result in infection " I said .

" Ok " He said and smiled .

" I never introduced myself I am Lu Han Kim Lu Han Suho's Hyung " I said and applied ointment to his head and hand .

" I am Byun Baekhyun and this is Aarya Raje " He said and smiled .

" All done " I said .

" Luhan shi if you don't mind can you tell me why are you in this room ? I mean this room was locked from outside why so ?" asked Baekhyun .

" It's because my dongsaeng hates me because I am gay. And now you will also not talk with me after knowing who am I " I said .

" I will not because I am myself gay and Aarya is cool with it " He said .

" So do you  have boyfriend ?" I asked .

" Yes but it's complicated " He said .

" How so ?" I asked .

" Well I was in love with my childhood best friend then when I confessed he rejected me . Then a found a guy we were dating for 7 months now but I cheated on him with my childhood best friend . He was the one to kiss but all of my feelings about him just jumped back in my mind and when I was going to talk to my boyfriend about that your brother kidnapped me " said Baekhyun .

" Well that's like a drama for sure ." I said .

" Now tell me did you had a boyfriend before this shit ?" asked Baekhyun .

" Well I am medical student I mean was and I had a boyfriend who was younger had me and is in highschool now . We met at Starbucks and then it just clicked because of him I came to know that I was gay . We dated for 3 years without my brother knowing and then one day Jessica saw me and she told it to my brother and then he locked me up " I said .

" Do you have his photo ?" He asked .

" Yes let me get it for you " I said and went near my table .

" What's going on here ?" I heard that girl's voice .

Jimin's POV

" Oppa you are here " said Jessica and hugged me .

" Yes I am here " I said and smiled .

" I am so happy Jimin Oppa that you are here with me " said Jessica .

" Yes it is because I realised how much you mean to me in my life than that Aarya " I said and  kissed her .

" Oh Oppa I am so happy today let's drink Soju to celebrate it " said Jessica and pecked me and went to the kitchen  .

I put my phone on silent and threw it on the couch .

" Baby where is your phone ?" I asked .

" Why Oppa ?" She asked with a pout .

" I don't want anyone to disturb us so I want to put it on silent " I said and pulled her closer .

" Oppa what are you planning ?" She asked .

" Something which I missed when you were gone " I said placed my head in her neck and placed a kiss on her neck .

" Let's Drink Oppa " said Jessica and handed me a soju .

" Sure let's drink but let's go in your living room " I said and pulled her with me .

I started drinking so did she I was slow drinker while she was fast drinker.

" Bring me two more " I said .

After she went I drank the remaining bottle . She came with other bottles .We started drinking again after she was two bottle down she started talking .

" Oppa you know how happy I am that you choose me " She said.

" I can see that baby " I said m

" I was so mad at that bitch when you were giving her so much attention . I even told Suho Oppa that he shouldn't have caused that accident " She said and hiccuped .

" You want to know a secret baby " I said and smirked .

" What Oppa " she asked .

" I never liked that Aarya she was just someone who I thought that would be a rebound for me but she was so dull . I tried so many times to you know do it with her but she used to say she was no ready " I said .

" Oppa she is dumb girl . We are meant to be and Oppa you don't have to worry about that bitch because I told Suho Oppa to kill her " said Jessica and started laughing and hiccupping and then fell down of the couch .

I smirked and messaged Chanyeol Hyung about Suho having my babygirl and took her phone and checked her phone to find a message where Suho was telling her the address I texted that address to myself and send it on the group and told them to meet me there .

" I am sorry Jessica but I had to this for my baby girl " I said and looked at her for one last time and headed out of her apartment .

Hope you like this chappie . Lots of Drama . Please Check out the video above it is of my biaswrecker who killed me with his English . This mv is a 🔥🔥🔥 for sure .

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Aarya ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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