Chapter 28

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Aarya's POV

" I will just go and get your discharge paper " said Jimin with Kookie following him .

"This is the right time Aarya to leave without them knowing " I thought .

I got up from the bed changed into my dress quickly and went outside the hospital without any one noticing .

" Taxii " I said loudly .

I got inside the taxi and showed him the text about the address where I had to meet that person  . As we were going I saw Shruti and Taehyung coming in . I covered my face with my purse 

" I hope Jimin and others will not get mad " I thought and looked outside .

I reached the given the address .I gave the driver his money . It was a vacant warehouse type thing . No one was there not even a fly . I was bit scared as I didn't knew the way back . I decided to call that person but my phone was taken from my hand and was thrown on the wall .
I saw a huge guy standing in front me . I started walking back slowly .

" Oh Aarya don't be scared he will not hurt you " I heard somewhat familiar voice coming from back .

I turned back to see that it was none other than that Suho guy .

" Oh thank god you are here " I said and hugged him .

" Well I called you here remember " He said .

" So you are the one who texted me about " But before I could continue the sentence . I was hit my some mental object at back of my head and everything started looking blur and dark and then I fell into deep sleep.

Jimin's POV

" Jimin shi let me tell you something important about Ms Raje " said the doctor .

" Yes doctor " I said .

" You must me thinking that she is getting those images of her past and also you all told about her telling about some past things which happened . But I don't think it is good for her health . It looks like that she is forcing her brain to remember what she has forgotten . So I think you explain her slowly and tell her to not put so much pressure on her brain and one more thing Jimin shi don't ever let her being injured near her head because it may be dangerous like she can go in coma or even can die  or if miracles work then maybe she will get her memory back but let me tell you the chances to her to get her memory back because of that injury is 0.2% while this injury can result mostly in death " said the doctor .

I felt the whole world around me moving . I do everything to protect my baby girl and see that she stays away from trouble and major things which will lead to head injury  .

I went outside and saw Jungkook waiting for me .

" Hyung are we good to go ?" He asked .

" Yes we are " I said and smiled .

I will inform all of them afterwards . We went near room to see a bit chaos . I saw Shruti and Taehyung asking to nurse about something . And while Jin Hyung was crying along with Baekhyun hyung. And both Namjoon Hyung and Chanyeol Hyung were consoling them .

" What happened ?" Asked Jungkook .

" We can't find Aarya and this is what we found on her bed " said DO Hyung .

I felt my world crashing into pieces . I took the paper from Kyungsoo Hyung's hand and started reading it .

" I am sorry guys for leaving you like this . But don't worry I will back till evening . I know that I don't remember that much of Seoul but I will try to find the university dorm and if my silly brain couldn't find it I will call you . And guys guess what I got this text from someone who knows us and said that he / she will help me with my memory . So cool right ? I am so excited right now  . But I will just control it because if I do anything Jimin will think I am gone crazy . And Shruti please don't start crying and please Baek and Jin you also don't start and Kookie your Noona will cone back in evening . Just get angry on me and Park Jimin take care of other .
Love ,
Aarya ❤❤❤ "

" So this is  what she was writing yesterday before going to sleep " I said and tore the letter in half .

" Jimin she not also picking up her phone " said Kai Hyung .

" I hope she is fine but Jiminaa who must be that someone who must have texted her who know her past ?" asked Namjoon Hyung .

" Jimin it is not him right ?" asked Chanyeol Hyung .

" Shit Hyung " I said and dialed that idiots number .

" Pick up " I said but the phone kept on ringing .

" That Bastard is not pick up Hyung " I screamed .

" I think we should all go at my place and then discuss about this matter briefly " said Taehyung .

" That's a good idea " said Kai Hyung .

We all went to Tae and Baekhyun Hyung's home .

" He is not picking up his damn phone Hyung " I said and threw my phone on the wall .

" Yaa Jiminaa calm down and please tell us about who are you and Chanyeol Hyung talking " said Kai Hyung .

" Jimin you should tell them " said Chanyeol Hyung .

" Dammit Jimin just tell us who that guy is who texted Aarya " shouted Baekhyun Hyung .

" Kim Jumyeon " I said .

" What " everyone exclaimed .

" You are telling that Suho is the person who called Aarya . But I don't get that why are so angry on him . He is good guy and I k ow that he will not hurt Aarya " said Shruti .

" I hope that he won't hurt her because she get hurts again in the same area " I said with tears running down my eyes .

" Then what Park Jimin ?" asked Jin Hyung .

" Doctor said that she would be able to regain her memory " I said but was cut off by Jk .

" Noona will remember us " He said .

" Let me finish the sentence but the chances  are 0.2% only . While there are high chances of her going in coma and dying " I said .

" You must be joking right ?"asked Taehyung.

" Tae tell me one thing when I have joked about anything which is related to Aarya " I said .

" But what how is Suho involved in this ?" asked Shruti .

" I will tell you " I said .

Lots of Drama in this chappie . So what do you say should end this story in coming few chapters or do want some more about Aarya and Jimin's future ? Comment what you want . Hope you like this chappie .

Cote plz.

Aarya ❤❤❤❤❤

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