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"Wake up Freak." I woke to hear my 'father' banging on the door of my room.

My name is Kristen Ariga, but, to my parents my name is Freak. Now, let me put this straight, my 'parents' hate me. Completely and utterly hate me. They started to hate me the first time my body was surrounded by dark-blue lightning and a flaming tunnel appeared. I didn't make it happen, or at least I didn't think I did. But, my 'parents' were convinced it was me so I was the one stuck playing for it. Now, my 'parents' punish me for anything possible and treat me like a slave.

If I broke a single rule, I would be brutally punished. Once I had 'used my freakishness' and I had no meals for a week, 150 lashes, extra chores for a month and I was left in my room for the whole summer holidays.

The one thing I like about my room is that is has a bathroom attached. Since I was left in my room for around a month I was able to go to the bathroom and what not. That brings me back to the present and the current problem at hand.

My 'father'

Currently he was banging on my door yelling that I wouldn't like the consequences. That, was the one thing I didn't doubt. However, one thing that I did doubt was that I deserved to treated this way. He said so. I pretend to believe him. But I don't.

Sighing I opened the door only to find my 'father' slam it shut in my face.

Take two.

This time I opened my door and ran downstairs to make breakfast for my so called parents. Since it was Saturday I had to make pancakes, bacon and eggs.

In silence I started to cook the large breakfast for my 'parents'.

"So then Freak," Gerald – my so called father- spoke, "today I will leave for a week to go to Germany, so you will be getting your week's beatings from me tonight."

I inwardly cursed. I could barely survive one load of beatings alone. I don't know how I will be able to survive a whole week's worth at once.

I served up breakfast as quickly and carefully as a could after that as I didn't want any extra lashes tonight. Once that was done I cleaned up the kitchen and got started on my daily chores.

Six hours later I was finishing up with my chores when Gerald came.

"Time for your beating Freak, oh, how you're gonna scream," He said maliciously. Shaking with fear I packed away the tools I was using and made my way to the basement.

As usual, Gerald chained me up to the wall. Then, he took out the whip he knew would hurt most. He started.

















I started to lose count. Drifting in and out of conciseness. His words echoed in my mind as he beat me to the limit.





Over and over and over. The noise grew louder. And louder.



I wanted to scream.

I wanted to kill them.

I wanted them to stop.

But I couldn't. They couldn't.

But then they did.

Gerald stopped.

Took my chains off and left me in the basement the door locking behind him.

Barely conscious I used some of my Freakishness and opened a flaming tunnel hoping that whatever on the other side would rescue me.

And I was right.

A girl came through with flaming red hair. She screamed when she saw me laying in a bloody puddle in the ground. She called for someone to help her. Then, everything went black.


Thanks for reading I will post the second chapter soon. Please vote and review.

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