Ivy Elizabeth-Anne Hendrix

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A/N: HELLO WORLD! It has been forever. And I was stuck. So I added a twist. But I don't know where that is going to go. Sorry that I have been really slack with updates this year. And I will have less free time next year. And I was stupid and signed up for the school musical and an orchestra that has rehearsals that go from 1pm-4pm EVERY SATURDAY!!!!!!! I am stupid, but the good thing is that I get to miss out on one elective subject each semester because I'm doing that which means less assignments and more free time inside of school which is taken up outside of school. Anyway, sorry about that rant. I hope all of you have a lovely Christmas and I don't know what timezone you're all in, but I live in Australia and it is Christmas Eve Day or whatever it is called. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

A figure stood over a book. If one had looked inside, they would think it blank, this man new better. In his eyes, words began to swirl on the page as they took place. The sacrifice had worked. Or so he thought.


From the moment Ivy Elizabeth-Anne Hendrix was born, her parents knew there was something wrong, something, abnormal about her, and they were not wrong. Like a few others in the world, Ivy was a peculiar. Her siblings knew too. Her older sister, who was seven years older, labelled her a mistake and her older brother (by 6 years) followed in suit, calling her a freak. In a way, she had a similar childhood to Kristen; she was abused and neglected by her father. However, the difference there was between her and Kristen's childhood is that her mother tried to save her.

One afternoon when she was five, she recited her dad's day at work just by looking at him. This lead to him attempting to drown her the next day. Her mother saved her but agreed on her being a witch, which is what she had been accused of the previous afternoon. A few years on and her parents started arguing about her between her mother and father. In the end, her father won. Well, he did not exactly win; he was the only legal guardian of Ivy since her mother died after being run over by a car. Her father gave her a choice. Stay and die. Leave and live. Ivy had already planned to run away from her father and spent four months on the run. Miss Peregrine found her in a hospital after being found unconscious in an ally way. Ivy, now 13, was not welcome to the idea of living in the home. Therefore, she spent her first few months living in an upstairs room and only came out at night when no one was looking. Miss P was aware of this and tried to comfort Ivy by telling her that she was not alone and that she was not the only one who had suffered at the hands of their family. In the end, Ivy and Miss Peregrine came to an agreement. Ivy Elizabeth-Anne would become Elizabeth-Anne and would leave her first and last names in the past.


"We have a trace."

The man with a scarred face walked into the light, his eyes glowing red as he looked at the man infront of him. In response, he gazed up revealing the many cuts covering his face and hands that had been tied to the pole.

The scarred man glared at him, "where is she? You said that the sacrifice will lead us to her. Instead we end up finding nothing but the past of a girl who means nothing to us. Do you hear me? NOTHING!"

There was silence, before the man spoke in an enraged whisper, "and you're supposed to be her father."

Dear Diary,

To say the house, if you could even call it a house, was big, it would be an understatement. It was freaking huge. There were four main storeys, a basement and an attic. On the ground floor, there was the living room, kitchen, dining room, library, a study, the room I had been sleeping in, the greenhouse and a lounge room. The next level had bedrooms Claire and Bronwyn shared a room, I shared one with Rose and Fiona had her own room. On that level were also two bathrooms and a spare bedroom. The third level had Hugh and Horace's, Andy and Enoch's, and Abe's – soon to be Jacob's – rooms. The third level also had a room, known as the game room, where the older children tended to spend their time. The top level – if you do not count the attic - had Emma's, Olive's, Arian's and Elizabeth's rooms and a bathroom. We were not allowed to go to the attic, and I did not want to go into the basement, after so many bad memories that took place in one, besides I was not really interested in Enoch's peculiarity.

Currently, I was flopped across the couch on the left side of the sitting room. Rose and Arian were sitting on the floor plaing cards while Claire was playing with their hair. Fiona was outside with Hugh and Bronwyn. Olive and Emma were helping Miss P make dinner.

I had fallen into a routine here. Wake up, get ready, have breakfast and play with Bronwyn, Fiona and Claire. I usually did this before morning tea. Afterwards I would hang out with Andy, Rose and Arian. in the afternoon, after lunch, Emma, Olive, Elizabeth and I would go down to the village, or go outside and watch the others play and talk about random things. Although, somedays I spent time in the library with Millard. In the evenings I would normally be in the sitting room, like I currently was. After Dinner and reset I would go to bed. And I would have nightmares.

In case you're wondering, 'I thought that Kristen couldn't read?' All modesty aside, I'm a fast learner. As in fast. In the three weeks that I had been taught, I was fluent if that is the right way to put it. I could have a whole rant about that but anyway, I was now a book worm. Which brings we to my next point. I was being trained to control my peculiarity by Miss Peregrine and I sometimes used it to travel out of the loop and but books. I know. Of all of the things and places you can go in the world, you want to buy books. But yeah, I read.

Anywho, Rose is still the same. But that ins't much of a surprise because she has been stuck the same age since I saw her last and that makes her a few days older than me. Which is confusing to say the least. And now I am going to go ahead and make some lame excuse that dinner is ready – which it is – and I truthfully don't have anything else to write about.


Thanks for reading and supporting me this year, I will try desperately hard to get another chapter in this holidays, when do your holidays end? Just wondering because I'm on my summer holidays at the moment. Anywho, thanks for reading. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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