Flashbacks, Fiona, Claire and Emma

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"Hello Kristen," she said brightly, "I'm Olive."


"Hi Olive," was all I managed to croak out before I started having a really bad coughing fit that made my ribs hurt. Miss Peregrine and Olive were at my side instantly checking if I was alright. Olive pat my back and Miss P gave we some water. I don't think they realised that I was flinching at Olive's touch on my back. If they did, they didn't mention it. After the coughing fit had died down I was exhausted and my ribs were aching. It reminded me of the time when I was beaten by Gerald.


It was another beating. Another day. Another beating. Only he was angry. Very angry. He kicked me down the stairs into the basement. Then repeatedly punched and kicked me for half an hour then he moved on to whipping me. After about an hour he was done. But to me he wasn't, the words scattered around in my brain.






His words. Repeating. More voices joined them. But they were different.

"Come on Kristen, please wake up."

"Kristen, that was the past. Whatever happened is now gone. You're safe."

Safe. I couldn't be safe. Gerald was always there to punish me. I could never get away from him.

"Wake up Kristen."

"Please, we need you."

"I believe in you. You can do this Kristen."


"It's only a dream."

"You can wake up now."


Two blurred figures were looking over me, concerned.

"Kristen, wake up." The one with the red hair shook me. I blinked again before my sight cleared and I saw Olive and Miss Peregrine looking over me. It all came flooding back.

I was rescued.

I groaned as I sat up with the help of Olive and Miss Peregrine.

"I will let it pass for the moment, but you will have to tell me soon." Miss P stated.

I nodded. Once Miss Peregrine was convinced that I understood her cheery persona was back and she sent Olive out to prepare breakfast.

"When Olive found you, your legs were badly damaged," Miss P comfortingly put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry Kristen but you can no longer walk."

I nodded again numbly.

"Now that you are unable to walk you must reside on this level and use a wheelchair. You should rest now. I will see you after breakfast." And with that Miss Peregrine stood up and made her way to the door.

"Peregrine, as in the bird?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Yes, Peregrine as in the bird."

On that note Miss Peregrine left the room leaving me alone to my thoughts.


After a while of sitting there in the bed trying to process the last few minutes I heard multiple voices coming from the room next to mine. There was a happy chattering and the sound of cutlery being scraped on plates. Then there was silence with the familiar voice of Miss Peregrine addressing what I think are her other wards.

How many does she have?

Quite a few I think.


Time skip: a week later

A week later Miss Peregrine had still kept me in that room and I was starting to get restless. She had explained to me what a loop was after I started freaking out on the first night. She also explained what hollows and wights were. I had met Emma and Millard too. Millard had taught me how to read and write. I have tried using the wheelchair but it is too heavy for me to push around. They all want me to eat more because I am malnourished. They said that after I told them I was twelve. They all thought that I was eight.

I've been getting less flashbacks but they still come. Now, Miss Peregrine wants me to meet Bronwyn and Claire maybe even Horace, Fiona and Hugh. And I forgot to mention, I am ill.


I sat up with the help of Olive. Today it was decided that I would meet Fiona, Bronwyn and Claire. I had seen Fiona once when she told Miss Peregrine something but other than that I have never seen her. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. Olive stood up to get it. The door opened revealing Fiona and a young girl with beautiful golden locks. Bronwyn or Claire. Fiona was the first to speak.

"The bird wants you to go with Emma, Millard, Bronwyn and the twins to collect Jake." Fiona addressed Olive.

"Okay. Goodbye Kristen, Fiona and Claire will keep you company." Olive said as she turned to me.

She exited the room as soon as Fiona and Claire came in.

Claire ran up to me and enveloped me into a hug. At first I stiffened out of habit, but then I relaxed and returned the hug.

"Can I do your hair? It's very pretty. Do you like your hair? Olive does my hair and Bronwyn never lets me do hers. Nor does Olive or Fiona or Emma. So can I please do your hair?" The questions were fired at me before I had a chance to answer.

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"Yes Claire. You may do my hair." I smiled at the little girl. I moved over on the bed and made room for her.

As Claire's delicate fingers weaved through my hair, Fiona and I talked. We talked about our peculiarities mostly. We were coming up with ideas to test if Fiona's plants could grow through my portals. We were stuck on what to do until little Claire suggested that we could prank people by using Fiona's branches to trip people. I was completely against the idea. Fiona then said that we should use my portal to see if we could make the portals permanent by making her plants make a bridge going through the portal. I agreed on this idea. A knock sounded on the door and opened to reveal a sobbing Emma. Olive came into the room after Emma and closed the door. She then proceeded to look inside a cupboard while Fiona told me why she was crying. Her boyfriend, Abe, was confirmed dead now that his grandson had come to stay.

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