The Christmas Before

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Hi Guys,

I came up with something. Finally. This chapter is dedicated to Rose267, thank you. I only need three more people commenting that they want to do the competition. Now on with the story.



A young girl, Kristen, sat by the fire, her long brown hair was being braided by her mother. Presents lay under the Christmas tree neatly wrapped. The father joined the two in the room, handing each of them a hot chocolate on his way to the couch with a younger girl was lying on. The younger girl, Rose, was opening a present from Kristen. It was a golden locket engraved with the words,

You shall always live forever in my heart

Now this was no ordinary locket. You see, Rose had been diagnosed with cancer the previous year and now, this was the last Christmas she would ever live to see. Kristen hugged her sister and tried not to show her tears. She knew that this would be the last Christmas spent when they were a whole family and she never wanted to let go.

"I love you Rosie-Posy."

"I love you too, Kristy-Wisty."

These were the silly nicknames the two had for each other, and I am afraid to say, this was the second last time they were ever going to say it. The last time, on the 27th of December 2013.


"Do you promise to stay with me Kristy-Wisty."
"I promise I will always be there Rosie-Posy."

"Dying is just the same as waking up when you think about it. You just wake up in a different world, Kristen. And you leave the others from this world behind. I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of losing you. Never forget me. Promise. Promise you will never forget me Kristen."

Tears were rushing down Kristen's face as she said, "I promise Rose. I will never forget you. And never forget I love you. Remember that. Remember me, for we shall meet again."

Rose gave her a weak smile, "I love you Kristen. Goodbye."

And with that Rose gave one more look at her sister before she took her last breath and closed her eyes for the last time.


The next day, Rose's body had disappeared from the hospital with no trace. Some people said that she was still alive and ran away to some far off place. Some people said that she was stolen. Only Kristen knew the truth. She had not been told by her but she had been given a letter on the last Christmas that she spent with her family, two days before she died.

Now, Kristen was unsure if Rose could even talk properly and assumed that Rose asked her mother or her father to write her letter. So, when Kristen opened the letter she was not surprised that there were only pictures.

The pictures indicated that she was going to some old house and that she wasn't dead. Kristen had never understood why Rose didn't stay. She was their parent's favourite. On most occasions they neglected Kristen, the very few occasions that they didn't she was either being told off or being made the center of attention because of Rose. The only thing Kristen's mother would do was her hair because her mother hated when it got in the way of things.

Once Rose was assumed dead, things began to get worse. Kristen was never allowed to go to school when Rose was alive, but she was allowed to go outside. She could go to wherever she pleased as long as she was in the neighbourhood. Her parents wouldn't realise she was even gone if she stayed out late. That changed.

Lately Kristen had been sent out to go shopping, but people were starting to get suspicious. They had never seen this girl at any school. Now, her parents thought that she knew that she was to say she was home schooled but they had never told her. So she told someone that she was not schooled at all. Since then she had not been allowed to ever step a foot outside again. With all of her spare time inside Kristen discovered different things inside her house. Secret passages and hiding places. She also discovered things about herself. Each night in secret, she practiced her peculiarity. She opened portals but never dared to go through. She practiced like this for several months, until her father found out.

Her father, was to some people a great man but to others he was an intimidating cruel person. He was definitely the latter to Kristen. Kristen had always been doing small chores that her father set. Now that her father and her mother thought that she was a freak she had to do all of the chores in the house.

At first.

Her father thought that she wasn't learning a lesson so he took down her meals to one a day.

The next part of it.

He took to beating her.

He sometimes used a belt.

His hands.

A whip.

A metal rod.

Whatever it was, he always made sure it hurt Kristen. After two months of torture, Kristen had realised that there was never going to be a happy Christmas or that she was going to have a family ever again.

Until she met Alma Peregrine that is.


The character Rose is Rose267's character in this story. (Rose267 you can still enter the competition)



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