Chapter 1

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"What the hell is this?" Jared asks, walking into my room. I'm snuggled on my bed with Lucifer as we watch tv, where someone is talking about clowns killing people. I'm sure Sam assumed the worst about what Lucifer and I were doing in here because everyone assumes were dating, but in reality, I'm his only friend, so we basically do everything together. As for the snuggling, Jensen refuses to turn on the heat, even though it's the end of October in Massachusetts and it's freezing in here. "Worst horror movie ever."
"We're watching the news," Lucifer tells him with a laugh.
"Seriously? Killer clowns?"
"Yeah," I reply, muting it. "Why? What's up?"
"We were just wondering where you were," he says with a shrug.
"Okay, and what are you really doing here?" I ask, knowing that's not all.
Jared sighs. "Okay, we're all playing truth or dare out in the main room and Gabriel dared me to come in here."
I scoff. "That's it? That's his brilliant dare? The dude's the freaking Trickster, and that's the best he can come up with?"
Jared shrugs. "It's still early. I'm sure he's saving the best for later."
"Alright, well, you can leave now," Lucifer says, now that we know there's no reason for him to be here anyway.
"Alright. Bye guys, enjoy..." He gestures vaguely to the tv, "that."
He leaves us alone once again, and I can only imagine how the rest of the game is going to go. I know Gabriel sent him in here because he assumed we were doing other things, and I'm sure everyone else in the group knows it too, though they wouldn't tell us that.
"Hey, wanna go watch the rest of the game?" I ask Lucifer.
"I was hoping you'd ask," he laughs, getting out of bed. I do the same, shaking visibly from the cold. Lucifer hands me his sweatshirt to wear over mine, because I still haven't been clothes shopping yet, so I only have the one. It may seem like a sweet gesture, but Lucifer is an angel, so he wouldn't feel the cold anyway.
We sneak over to the main room, where we see everyone is sitting in a circle. We try to be quiet, but Jensen sees us anyway.
"Hey, guys! Come to join the party?"
We step out into the rest of the group's view, and I notice a few people glancing at my sweatshirt. Or, rather, Mark's sweatshirt, who is Lucifer's vessel, which also sort of makes it Lucifer's sweatshirt. This whole angel thing can be really annoying for explanations, if you haven't noticed.
"We're just here to watch," I tell them.
"That's no fair!" Gabriel complains. "You get all the fun, but none of the embarrassing moments!"
Lucifer and I share a look, asking each other silently if it's worth it. I shrug and sit down in the opening Jensen made for us between him and Misha. Lucifer follows, sitting between Rob and Jared. He ignores Rob's attempt at a hello. In the last week since I became a permanent resident at the bunker with them, Lucifer's been less hostile towards him. He hasn't been friendly at all; he's barely said two words to Rob. Still, it's better than constant fighting.
Truth or dare ends up being way more fun than I had expected. I make sure to announce that I'm leaving both my sweatshirts on because it's so cold in here, so I don't really have anything to be afraid of. I lose a push up contest with Misha, and I eat a boiled peanut thanks to Rob wanting me to feel the other's pain when Richard made them try one. I got to watch Jared try to hold a handstand for five minutes, which is probably the most entertaining thing I've seen today. Now it's Jensen's turn to give me a dare. He gives me an evil smirk.
"I dare you to kiss Lucifer."
The person who reacts the most to this is Lucifer.
"Say what now?"
Jensen laughs. "Come on, it's a game. Don't be a baby."
Lucifer looks to me for help, but I just shrug. I'm not going to back down from a dare. Besides, it's not like they're asking me to jump out a seven story window into a pool of alligators. I'm in no physical danger; why not?
I crawl across the circle and put my lips near his face as if I'm about to kiss him, but first I whisper, "You okay with this?"
"Yeah," he replies just as quietly, but I can tell he's really not thrilled about it. Ordinarily, I wouldn't make people do things they don't want to do, but he said he was fine, so I decide to roll with it, so I don't seem like a wimp.
I press my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He kisses me back, and although I know everyone expects it to be quick, I decide to give them a show. We kiss for at least thirty seconds, until I forget this is a game and I'm only focusing on his lips on mine. I get lost in it, shutting out the outside world. Finally, I pull away and return to my spot in the circle. I make it look confident, like I couldn't care less about anything, but in my mind, I wish it never ended.
"Damn," Gabriel chuckles when I'm seated. "That was something."
"Not dating, huh?" Jensen teases.
"Hey, Jensen, you want to play that game?" I give him an evil grin. "I dare you to kiss Cas."
The rest of the circle erupts in "ooh"s, including from Misha, even though it's still him in a way involved in the dare. I knew he wouldn't be opposed to it; just because he can't watch like the rest of us doesn't mean he will be any less caught up in the fun.
"Cas isn't even playing," Jensen reminds me, clearly hoping it will excuse him from the dare.
"Which will make it even more fun when you kiss him," Jared replies with a grin.
Jensen sighs. "Alright, what are we waiting for? Someone get Cas out here."
Gabriel silently tells Cas to take control from Misha, and he does, though he seems confused. That doesn't change when Jensen kisses him, and after a few moments, Cas kisses back, though it's hesitant. Everyone is trying not to laugh as they watch.
Jensen pulls away from Cas and looks at me, smirking as if to say, "Yeah, I did it," before sitting back down. Cas doesn't move, still seeming confused. Jared explains the purpose of the game to him to clear it up.
"But what's the point of the game?" Castiel asks. "You do things you don't want to do, just so you can watch people do things they don't want to do?"
Jared nods. "Yeah, basically. Wanna play?"
He shakes his head, and suddenly Misha is back, looking way too happy. We all laugh his enthusiasm, like we do a lot with him. He's such a happy person.
Jensen looks at me, and I know I'm going to be receiving the next dare. Not wanting to know what his idea of a revenge is, I pick truth. Judging by his expression, that doesn't matter to him. He has a truth planned out already.
"Do you like Lucifer?"
"Define 'like.'" I'm not procrastinating; I just don't want to answer the wrong way.
"You know," he makes a heart with his hands-after many failed attempts-and says, "like Ruth likes Rob." Ruth smacks him on the shoulder, but they're both laughing, so I know there are no hard feelings. "Okay, like Gabriel like Jared."
Jared blushes slightly, and Gabriel pumps his fists, shouting, "Sabriel for the win! We are the ideal couple! Hellz yeah!"
I laugh. "Yes you are," I agree. "But no. Lucifer and I are just friends, and if I have to say that one more time, I may kill you out of frustration."
"Kill him, kill him, kill him!" Misha starts chanting, and one by one, Jared, Gabriel, Ruth, and Rob join in. Jensen laughs so hard, he falls over as Gabriel attempts to attack him with a stuffed bear he made out of thin air.
The only person I realize isn't laughing is Lucifer. He's just sitting there, seemingly not paying attention, and looking sort of out of it. I'll have to ask him about that later.
"My turn!" I exclaim when the laughing dies down. "Jensen, truth or dare?"
"You do realize there are more people in this game than you two, right?" Ruth says.
"Alright, we'll pick someone else after this," I promise. "Jensen?"
Knowing exactly what I'm going to say if he chooses truth, he picks dare. Dang it! Um...
"Jensen, I dare you to answer truthfully; do you like Cas the way Gabriel likes Jared?" I phrase it that was just to please the happy couple, and it works.
"Hellz yeah!" Gabriel celebrates. "You hear that, Jared? Everyone loves Sabriel! Sabriel for the win!"
"Wait, Sabriel's real?" A voice says from the doorway as they walk into view. "I've been gone longer than I thought." Suddenly, a kid walks into the room, and I immediately recognize him.
"Kevin!" I say with a smile. "Or Osric, whatever."
He laughs. "And who might you be?"
"I'm Bailey," I introduce myself. "I'm being tracked down by demons because they think I'm a hunter now, so now I'm a hunter."
He raises an eyebrow, looking amused as he joins our circle. I notice he's across from Lucifer-as far from him as he can be, actually. I wonder if that was on purpose.
"Wow. And to think I've only been gone for two weeks," he laughs.
"What are you doing here?" Rob asks, seeming glad to have him back.
"I got bored," he says with a shrug. "Jim told me you'd be here."
"Jim Beaver or Jim Michaels?" Jensen asks.
"Uh, Michaels," Osric replies. "It's been too long since I've seen the other Jim. He needs to come back."
"Dude, it's been, like, two months," Jared reminds him.
"Which is two months too long!"
Being the over-obsessed fan that I am, I know that Jim Beaver played Bobby, who I miss constantly whenever I watch. Jim Michaels is one of the people that makes the show possible, so even though I don't really know exactly what he does, I still thank him every night for existing. Okay, maybe not, but if I ever met him, I would thank him.
"So, what else have I missed?" Osric asks.
"We've only had one case," Jared tells him. "Which Bailey just explained, but basically some demon thought they could kill us but they couldn't and we all lived happily ever after. Because of Bailey, actually. She got us out of there, since we didn't have you here to do the smart thing like you usually do."
Osric grins proudly. "I'm honored to be the smart person of the group."
"It doesn't take much," Lucifer mutters, rolling his eyes.
Osric looks at the angel. "And how have you been?" he asks, and I'm not sure if he's asking to be polite, or if he doesn't hate Lucifer like everyone else seems to.
"Never had a better couple weeks," he replies emotionlessly, glaring at Rob for a moment before looking back down at the floor.
Osric glances between the two of them. "Do I want to know?"
The rest of us shake our heads. I'm surprised Lucifer brought that up again. He seemed to be pretending it never happened, but I guess he really can hold a grudge. I guess I can't blame him; as if being "brutally tortured" wasn't bad enough, when he decided to chill out in the back of Mark's head instead of hanging with the man that did it to him, Mark got captured on a hunt and then Lucifer was brutally tortured again to protect his vessel. If I were him, I'd be pretty mad at Rob, too.
Osric seems to get this is a bad subject, so he says energetically, "So, whatcha doing?"
"Admiring the ship that is Sabriel," Misha replies.
"Sabriel for the win!" Gabriel shouts.
Osric laughs. "So, you guys weren't joking. Sabriel really exists now?"
Jared answers before his boyfriend can shout something random again. "Yep. One ship down, one more to go." He looks pointedly between Jensen and Misha, clearly meaning Cas.
"Aw, no Destiel?" Osric says, pretending to be much sadder than he really is. "That's my OTP, man! And no Cockles?"
"Cockles!" Misha yells. "Hell yeah!"
"You wish," Jensen laughs.
"I think we all know that if Jensen dates anyone here, it would be Cas," Gabriel says.
"I think we all now that when Jensen dates someone, it will be Cas," I correct him.
"True, true," he agrees.
"What, I'm not good enough for him?" Misha asks in mock hurt. "Fine. I see how it is." He gets up to leave, but I grab his arm to stop him and he sits back down, crossing his arms as if he's still mad.
"That's not what we meant, Misha!" I protest. "You're too good for Jensen!"
"Really?" Jensen says, sounding annoyed, but in a playful way.
"Hey, you've got Cas, you don't need me to boost your ego."
Jensen rolls his eyes. "Are you ever going to stop with the Destiel jokes?"
I shake my head. "You should've seen it coming."
"Fine, but I'm going to make Baicifer jokes until you stop. Baicifer? Is that what we're going with?"
I shrug. "I'm not going with anything," I tell him. "You know, not being a real ship makes the ship name pretty pointless."
"Destiel isn't a real ship," he reminds me.
"Destiel is so a real ship!" I protest loudly. "Besides, I didn't make the name, so that doesn't really count."
"Either way, I'm going to call you two Baicifer for now on."
"That'll be funny-if you ever find a moment to use Baicifer." We never really do anything couple-y like people joke about the others doing, so I know I'm going to be using Destiel more than I'll be hearing Baicifer.
"Seriously, Bailey?" Jared laughs as he joins the conversation, a knowing smile on his face. "You were literally just lying in bed snuggled up to Lucifer, and then you come out in his sweatshirt. That's two Baicifer moments in less than five minutes. Just saying."
I feel my face heat up at being called out like that, so I rush to defend myself. "But it's freezing in here! It's not my fault that someone refuses to turn on the heat!" I glare pointedly at Jensen as I emphasize the word "someone."
"There is no heat in here," Jensen laughs. "Do you realize how old this building is?"
I shrug. "My point still stands."
"You know, we could install heating here," Jared suggests. "We could install heating in all the bunkers!"
"Overachiever much?" Jensen teases.
"I agree with the first part," I say. "Let's install some heat!"
Jensen rolls his eyes and turns to Gabriel. "Yo, Gabe, can you, like, make it warmer in here?"
"Of course I can!" he replies. "I am the Trickster." He winks at us just as the air becomes a much more comfortable temperature.
I take off Mark/Lucifer's sweatshirt and leave it on the table, knowing Lucifer won't need it back right now. Looking down at him, I notice he's talking to Rob. Well, Rob is talking to him, and Lucifer is just staring at the floor silently. Rob glances up at me from the floor as if sensing I'm watching him, and I gesture for him to come with me. He nods, says something to Lucifer, and stands up to follow me.
"What's up?" he asks when we're standing alone.
"Okay, I know this isn't really my place," I begin awkwardly, "but I think you should leave Lucifer alone. Just for a little while," I add quickly, seeing him about to protest. "He's still really mad at you for what you did to him. It doesn't matter that you had your reasons."
"But he seemed to be forgiving me," Rob protests. "He wasn't fighting about anything with me."
"I know," I say. "I asked him not to fight with you. That doesn't mean he's forgiven you."
"If you got him to listen to you for that, can you ask him to try to forgive me, then?" he asks. "Because I don't know what else to do."
I shake my head sadly. "I can't do that, I'm sorry," I tell him. "He won't be able to forgive you just because I ask him to."
"Then what do I do?" he asks, sounding as if he's losing hope.
"Give him time," I suggest. "That's all you can do. I'm sure he'll come around eventually."
Rob nods hesitantly. "I suppose you're right. I'll leave him be."
"Good," I reply, unsure what else to say.
"Thank you, by the way," Rob says.
"No problem," I say. "I mean, I know what he's thinking, so I figured I'd tell you."
"Not just for this," Rob says. "For everything you've done for him since you got here. You don't know what he was like before you got here, but you've changed him. I think just knowing he has a friend here has helped him a lot. I can't imagine what it would have done to him if you left. I know the angels don't consider me their father anymore, but to me, they'll always be my kids, and I just want what every other father wants. I want them to be happy, and I don't think you realize how much you've helped with that. So, thank you."
I give him a smile. "I'm glad I could help," I tell him honestly. "I mean, you guys are just so much fun to be around. I can't help but enjoy being part of the group. It's nice to feel like I've contributed to the group, ya know?"
He nods. "And that you have." He glances at Lucifer, and I look over as well.
He's still seated on the floor, exactly where we left him. Crouching in front of his is Osric, who's attempting to have a conversation with him. Lucifer doesn't seem to interested in it, though. I feel bad for Osric. He's trying to be a nice person, and he's being ignored for it. I'm about to go over and attempt to make him feel better by getting Lucifer to actually talk when Jensen calls me over.
"Yeah?" I say, standing in front of him, Misha, Jared, and Gabriel. I can't help but notice Sabriel holding hands, and I smile to myself. Even such a little action is really nice to see. They're going to be that cute couple that never stops whispering sweet things to each other; I know it.
"Nothing, I just got bored with these people and I wanted you to come join us," Jensen admits.
"Well, I have nowhere to be, so why not?" I reply, glad I'm included in this. I feel like I'm part of the group, even though I've only been here for less than two weeks. I've never really been this close to anyone, actually. It's a nice feeling, knowing I have to so many people I can count on.
"Hey, what were you and Rob talking about, if you don't mind my asking?" Jared asks.
"I was imparting the wisdom of the Bailey to him," I reply mysteriously.
"Right, of course. I should have known," Jared says with a chuckle.
"Hey, I found us a case," Misha says. "It was on the news. Something about killer clowns all over the country. I don't know, might be our kind of thing."
"Maybe," Jensen agrees. "Jared, you should look into that." He says the last part teasingly, and I know I'm missing something.
"I doubt it's our kind of thing," Jared protests. "I mean, clowns are supposed to kill people. It's their side job, ya know? I'm sure it's nothing. No need to check it out."
"We've checked out less," Gabriel protests, picking up on the joke that I've yet to find.
"Yeah, but let's just wait for another case to show up," Jared suggests hopefully.
"Jared's afraid of clowns," Jensen tells me. "Which may or may not be why I want this to be a case."
I laugh. "Wow, so nice, Jensen."
He smiles with teasing pride. "I try, Bailey. I try."

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