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Jimin eyes twitch a little when he heard many voices around him. 

"Doc, he's been in an coma for years, should we can't the line-" Jimin let's out a faint yet audible sigh when he tried to open his eyes. Soon later, he felt a cold hand pressed against his forehead, "Jimin-ah, are you awake?" 

Jimin mustered all of his energy and moved his a head a little, letting the doctor knowing that he is awake. All nurses and doctor's gasped and started surrounding Jimin, bombarding him questions he cannot answer at this stage. Soon later, he heard a lot of feet shuffling and a door closed behind him. 

He didn't have the energy to open his eyes, so he went back to sleep. With the word, 'coma' flowing around in his head. 


"Jimin..." Jimin slowly opened his eyes and saw a bright white staring down at him. He felt someone tugging on his hand, bringing his attention towards the touch. There, in front of him was a handsome blonde fellow. 

He gasped and hugged Jimin, crying silently to himself. "Jimin, it's me Jin. The one who took care of you before that incident." Incident? Jimin couldn't move but he just nodded his head and questioned who this male is. 

"Jimin, everyone in the house missed you so much, we thought we would never see you again, but you're a miracle, Jimin! A miracle! And Yoongi missed you so much, it hurts as a mother to see him going through this..." Jin said, stroking Jimin's cheek. Jimin opened his mouth to say something but... nothing came out. Only his breath. 

Just then, the door opened and came in the doctor that previously asked Jimin if he was awake. The doctor eye's widened and rushed over to his side, "Jimin, you're alive! Oh my- We thought you weren't-"

"I just told him that." Jin said, cutting him off. The doctor cleared his throat and excused himself, borrowing Jin outside. The doctor and Jin gave one last smile at Jimin and closed the door behind. The doctor cleared his throat again and held the clipboard tight to his chest. 

"I see you must be Jimin's guardian," 

"Yeah.. Doctor Park Bo Gum?" Jin squinted his eye's at his tag. He chuckled and nodded his head, "And you must Jin." But the sweet conversion soon faded away when the doctor broke the tragic news to Jin. 

"Um, because Jimin went through a tough time and just woke up, I'm sorry to say but he can't speak, walk and do any physical activity until he recovers and gets better, which will take time and patience." And to this point, Jin covered his mouth with his hand and cried as the doctor continued explaining. 

"He might maybe remember a few things randomly but it's rare for that to happen. If he does, don't panic just get along with it. I suggest taking him to therapists to get him used to the activities such as tying their shoes, eating with a fork or spoon and even walking all over again. In the meantime, you can take him home in a few days because we'll be doing a few test and such." 


6 months later 

Yoongi pushed the wheelchair around the park, and admired the dark starry sky above him. He stops in front of a bench and sat down, holding onto Jimin's hand. Jimin hold his hand tight and squeezes it, telling him that he loves him. 

Jimin quickly lets go and opens his notebook, writing down something in a rush speed. Yoongi leans over to see what Jimin wrote, but Jimin covers it with his hand and let's out a silent giggle. 

'I love the night sky, it's pretty like you, hyung~' 

"Nah, I think your prettier than the night sky, Minnie." Yoongi said, ruffling his brown locks. Jimin couldn't help it but blush badly from the compliment. They both sat in silent, hearing the silent wind and the light buzzing. Yoongi dug into his pocket and clutched onto something. 

He sighs and turn around, his full attention on a beautiful silent angel. Jimin turns around as well and blushes when he saw Yoongi staring at him, featuring his gummy eye smile. 

"Jimin, I don't care if you can't walk or talk. I don't care if people stare at the both us because you're in a wheelchair and I'm pushing you. I don't care if people whisper about us, because the only thing I care is you Jimin. I don't care if I have to wake up early to see your therapist everyday, I don't fucking care if people think we're not meant to be.

Jimin the only thing I fucking care is you. You're the only one that makes me happy, you're like the source to my heart. You make me fucking laugh and smile even though you can't speak. The way you communicate with me and others is fucking adorable, with your little notebook and pen. 

You make me feel all weird in the stomach like I'm 14 years old again. The way you smile makes me go crazy for you. When you blush I just want to kiss you all over again endlessly and cuddle you non stop. Just because you're in a wheelchair, it doesn't make a difference because you're the same Jimin I see everyday. 

So Jimin. 

I have a request for you," And Yoongi slowly went down on his knees and pulls out a red box. He opens it revealing the biggest diamond, making Jimin finally burst into tears.

"Will you marry me?" 

[a/n: guys im seriously crying because i'm just... anyways epilogue will be out soon hopefully so please stay tune to that and maybe a chapter on a Q&A and another for explaining what's happening, because I don't know as well.]

STILL IN LOVE ― YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now