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"Tyler?" a small hoarse voice whispered into the darkness. Josh opened Tyler's door even wider entering the room and standing over him by his bed. "T-tyler?" the small shaking voice whispered again. Tyler's eyes opened slowly. He squinted trying to figure out who and why someone was calling his name while he was supposed to be getting his beauty sleep. His eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness quite yet but he could see Josh's silhouette and boy was he relieved. For a second he thought the holy ghost had come after him for being a sinner a couple of times in his life. "What's happening?" Tyler asked, he wanted to turn on his lights but he knew if he did that he would never go back to sleep. Once his eyes got used to the light there was no going back into the darkness. "I'm so sorry, i just had a nightmare and i'm scared to go back to sleep in my room alone. Can i sleep in here. I'll sleep on the ground i just need someone else's presence to calm me down." Josh spoke quickly, he was way past embarrassed at this moment. He felt like a child, he was a hundred precent sure Tyler would start mocking him at any point now. "Josh i would never let you sleep on the floor. Just crawl in bed with me." Tyler scooted over to make room for his friend, he opened the sheets for Josh to enter. Josh hesitated. He felt like a burden, like a baby. "Come on!" Tyler assured. Josh crawled in, the sheets were cold at first. He shivered a little at first but that was before Tyler wrapped his arms around him. "Better?" He asked confident that the answer would be yes. "Yeah thanks." Josh replied sleepily. He was really tired he just couldn't sleep most nights. His past haunted him and it probably would for the rest of his life. He was trying to fight through the hurt and that's all he could do.  

Hurt//JoshlerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora