Chapter 18 - stare fest

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Seth isn't in my homeroom thank god, people keep congratulating me. It's kind of annoying because I didn't do for that reason. Jaime and Wade meet me outside, " ready for religion?"


Seth was in that one. Let him just ignore me, please.

I walk in and he and Sam are already in their seats up the back, Seth's die- a- horrible-death stare follows my entrance.

I ignore him, inwardly smiling when his eyebrows draw down confused.

I'm tired, so I put my bag down and lay my head on my arms. I hate not working, hate it, hate it, hate it, over the last few weeks I've lost a fair bit of fitness; I can't wait to get out to Harry's. I hope that the first thing he picks we work on is that fence by the road, it definitely needed a new strainer post. It's a pretty hard job to do by yourself so I can see why he hasn't got around to it. The grass in that paddock looked good too; better to use it before it dries out too much more. I get lost thinking about working.

Someone elbows me in the side, I turn to look at Jaime, and he gestures to the back of the classroom, where Seth is sitting.

I frown at him, basically saying so what?

"Everyone has to say something about someone else in the class and we have to guess who it is. Seth is next," he whispers.

I roll my eyes, will he be able to resist?

"Seth, you're up," Peter nods in his direction.

I sit up and stare straight ahead. Here goes.

"Let's see, I think I can sum this person up in only a few choice words," yep, by the sound of his clipped words he's going to go for me.


Okay, yeah I am, rude... but only to those who I don't respect. I respect old people and people that work the land... that's a given. Not guys that slash peoples tyres for parking in their spot. I will never respect my Mother... never.

"... opinionated..."

Umm, hello. I say what I feel... big deal. I was raised that way and I'm not going to change it for anyone. Least you know where you stand with me. I think in Seth's case it's more like I say what he doesn't want to hear...

"... childish..."

I giggle, that I reckon that one's because I don't back down when he thinks I should. But in reality,  he's not special, I rarely back down to anything or anyone. I was raised by guys for Pete's sake, and hard ones at that, if I didn't hark up I would just be a glorified maid.

Bugger that.

I actually kind of thrive off confrontation, it makes me feel alive. I think that's why I pestered Frank so much; it feels awesome when that adrenalin courses through my veins. It's why I always want to get the crocodile eggs... why I love to do things that people think I can't do... or okay... tell me not to do. I love challenges.

"... annoying..."

Again, only because I'm not scared of him. At home I go off a lot with Frank and Amber or Nathan and Pops so I don't really know if people at home find me annoying, no one has ever said it before... okay never said it and really meant it. I mean I work a lot so when I do come home everyone is always happy to see me. Nathan says that he wouldn't change a thing because nothing is ever predictable with me around.

 Jaime is shaking in his seat next to me with silent laughter. I glance around the class to see they are all watching me.

They are waiting for me to retaliate, to be honest I'm finding it hard not too.

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