Chapter 64 (I know I missed some... lol) The Land (b)

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Sorry about the graphic photo, but when I saw it I thought, that would have to be how Seth what see dreams sheep can do lol and thankyou to kaylamart17 for the awesome song find.


If someone asked me what I most liked about Av, I'd be torn between a few things. Of course she's beautiful that's what got me first and she's crazy fun. I had a ball surfing with her but it's the times like this when you see the fire burning in her eyes that it really strikes me. I don't think it's common to find someone that has the ability to pass their fire on, I wonder just how many people I will meet with that ability in my life. I'm guessing I will be able to count them on one hand when I'm ninety.

Surfing to me is almost life and death, an escape, a path to success but I still don't have that fire. For some reason I can't seem to convey how much it means to me, the way she does. I hope I can convert her to surfing, that she'll be with me then talking about the waves, the rides, the barrels. Mum would love her then, I've just got to convert her. To me as well.

Yet, she's a worry, a wildcard. Avalon's fire is not a containable fire, it is clear that it could easily be flamed into a raging and perilous blaze that would run away on even it's owner. Sometimes it scares me, she scares me. I'm not sure her friends know just what Av maybe capable of but every time I think of that night with the gun pointed in my face, I know deep down that if push came to shove she would have fired it. Let me crawl half paralyzed to the road for help. It's kind of like 'friendship on a tightrope'. I tyr not to think of that night... but sometimes I do.

As soon as I saw that little bastard, Nelson, was in the class, I felt concern about what he would do and what she would retaliate with. He always does something, he's such a spoilt pain in the arse mental case. If Avalon thought I was bad, Nelson is ten times worse. He was pulling wings off flies in preschool. His mother is a big time parliament figure and donates to the school, way more than mine. He is one hell of a nasty prick. Next year when I'm gone he will rule with with more terror than I could ever have caused because he relishes in causing pain. Mum has always acted nice to his family but everytime we go home from dinner with them, she shivers and mumbles under her breath, I'm sure Nelson rates higher than Avalon on Mum's bad egg gauge.

Avalon noticed him within seconds. There's no 'if' she will react... it's when. I see her eyes narrow as she looks at him and his comments about the sheep only serve to dig his soon to be grave, deeper.

As normal I don't have to wait long, Avalon has him now looking innocent and sweet as she tells him to come help her but I can see that her grip is painful. A vein is pulsing in his neck, his fingers grip into the dirt. Miss Jennings doesn't look up from her phone. I've had a few head ons with him and we tend to avoid each other, but by the looks of it he can give pain but doesn't receive it well. bad choice in antagonizing Avalon.

I watch her walk to the shed with Nelson positioned slightly in front of her. They disappear in through it's doors. Knowing Avalon this is when she'll strike but I seriously hope not.

She needs to keep clear of this sort of trouble... be nice... to stay.

They don't emerge and just as the girl that Nelson picked on comes past the shed door, Av appears and pulls her in to the shed. Uh oh.

Nelson suddenly squeals.

Av appears at the door, "Disregard ... Pig... Him. He just saw a spider, god love him. We'll be out in a minute he's... eerr... just testing the shears," she calls to every one with a big grin and a thumbs up sign.

His pitiful cries for help become muffled a few seconds after she retreats back into the shed.

Pushing myself up with haste I jog over to the shed.

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