Chapter 59 - Recharging

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Thank you Iarina for your awesome drawing. Love it! All those petals!!

"No. 2 He surprises you with coffee." 

20 signs he's in love with you (Cosmopolitan)


The feeling of fatigue is not something I often feel, generally I just think of something fun or crazy to do to divert the drain, recharge my batteries through adrenalin but right here, right now, without my partner in crime even within driving distance, I feel a bit lost. Nathan is amazing with managing things like time, jobs and money, granted not so much people, but I guess that's why we make a good team, we compliment each other. We get all our work done super quick from his planning so we can muck around. He likes it because I don't it which in his case is calling the pot black as he questions almost all of Angus's calls.

I think I will ring him and tell him everything I've got going on, including the worst thing ever invented for someone like me... going to prison, aka school - Mum sent me a warning text last night - "School or deal is over". And the second one, "And stay with Seth". That one's going to be tricky, I don't think Seth would like Outlaw in his bed.

The amount of stuff I have happening feels a little bit beyond me when I put it all on the table. When I'm doing it it's no problem, like the rose thing last night and when Seth finally decided to let himself go to aid me in the breaking and entering of Gerald's nursing home, to leave a trail of petals leading to Gwen's blown up portrait sitting in front of the vase of roses... it was all good. I felt in control, I was fully living in that moment.

A smile splits my face thinking that as much as I felt in control Seth didn't and he was pretty much having a coronary the whole time, I had to keep telling him the police would think its funny if we were caught, I would. I mean we were only giving the the old bloke a thrill leaving a photo like that, we weren't in there teasking bifocals or bed pans. Seth kept shaking his head but when we had finished he was just brimming with adrenalin, he couldn't stop smiling the whole way home.

The first thing that started to get ansty were Gwen's vague directions to Gerald's room. Turns out every right turn should have been a left and vice verse. I had to hold me phone up next to about twelve different sleeping old blokes. Seth got annoyed because I called him in about ten of those times saying this is him when the old guy was an asian or was completely different to Gerald.

He didn't believe me that Gerald was Gerald until I grabbed the stuff of Seth and went into Gerald's ensuite to set up the whoel thing. Gerald's face was pure gold, I had to tickle him with a rose petal for about five minutes until he woke up with a start. Seth videoed him from our position hiding under his bed as he spotted the rose petals that I mixed with the scented candle that Gwen has forced me to take. I put the photo and the vase in the shower and added a few extra words on the end of Gwen's message, something or rather about the whole thing being conveniently set up in a place you can have a cold shower.

Seth is no good at covert operations or leaving funny comments for old people, it's like he thinks they can't think that way once they are over fifty or if you wake them from their deep sleep they will just keel over and die on you. I realise with a burning chest that Nathan's affinity for doing this stuff with me is unattainable for anyone else. He would never question my ideas about dressing up as an apple or breaking into a nursing home. He would just help or on most occasions take the idea waaaaaay further than my original idea. 

It's sad the thought I have next. Because he knows me the best and he's not here with me. He knows things about me that others don't see. Knows that I do these wacky things for more than the reason everyone around thinks, the one where I would do anything when I can see the good in the act for the person or animal, and believe me sometimes that good I see is quite minute, but there is another reason... Nathan knows it and understands it.

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