Chapter 30 - thinking

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Thanks again to heartlesstwin for another amazing banner :D

As I put the last bit of shopping away with Harry I finally decide on what I can write back to Noah. As I said I like to have the last word... sometimes, especially in cases such as this.

"Haz, you have any castrating tools hanging around?" I ask as I throw the pasta noodles into the long cylinder thing.

Harry cracks up backing away from me with his hands raised. "Okay, okay that's the last time you have to help put the shopping away." Harry's laugh has changed since I met him. Before it used to sound like gravel sliding down the back of a tipper's tray, now he actually sounds like he's laughing. It makes me feel happy inside, I like it.

"Why I have never pulled that one on Daryl back home I don't know, I'm gong to get mini emasculators for earrings" I giggle pulling out my phone. "Here's the pic he sent, I've been thinking of heaps of things to write back but I think that if I do that one it would be funny don't you?"

I told him all about Noah on the way home so he isn't surprised at my phones new wallpaper, which I still haven't taken changed back. Mum thinks I'm too open, that I tell everybody everything... but really I mean... what's a friendship without sharing?

Harry thought it was as good yarn, anyway.

"That's a good comeback for sure, I'll take the photo if you want?" he stretches and grabs his hat and a beer from the fridge, gesturing with his head if I want one.

"Nah thanks, and yeah that would be great, I may as well round up a few and practice for the campdraft while I'm at it hey?" I grab two choccie biccies from the tin on the bench, and follow Harry out the door.


"The sweet face with the raised eyebrow looks the scariest," Harry says positioning my phone to take the photo of me with the emasculatorss around a young bull's testicles.

"Dad always reckons that too," I grumble looking even sweeter. "I wish I could see Noah's face when he gets that," I laugh.

"He reminds me of me when I was younger," Harry frowns as he hands back my camera and lets the bull out of the crush. "Although I wasn't of full as anger as that kid seemed to be the other day."

"I wonder what he's angry about? Apart from getting his car ridden on and crushed. What were you angry about?" I ask waving my hat at the last steer as he bolts through into the small cattle yard.

"Being sent away from the farm, the loss of my brother, at that time anything really. Dad wanted me to stay but Mum wanted me to have an education. I understand her point of view now but then all I could think of was how much I loved it here and didn't want to leave to be with those types of people," Harry stood outside the gate the large paddock. "It was worse because I associated the farm with my older brother, I felt like I would forget him if I left."

"I can totally relate and really I don't know how you did get through it. I'm not sure I could," I say thoughtfully climbing the rails to hope bareback on to Amber. I would hate to lose anybody in my family; I don't know how I would get through.

"Thing is things pass... they fade with time, I hope that young guy finds that out sooner than I did," Harry smiles regret deep seated in his voice. "I think he has a chance now though," he winks at me. I scrunch up my face.

"Things may pass, Harry but by God they hurt as you go through them," we share an understanding look. You can be as positive as anything but your heart hurts when you aren't where you wish you were. He smiles tightly in understanding. He knows exactly.

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