Chapter 58 - Roses are red

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Dual command another awesome drawing thank you

"What's up, buttercup?" I ask Seth as I jump on to his still back.

His hands thread around my sandy thighs holding me close to him, he doesn't answer though, just keeps his focus on Jarrod who is getting in to his car.

Jarrod doesn't spare us a glance as he reverses with an angry scream of rubber and flies off leaving a cloud of stinky smoke.

"Gee what's up his butt?" I joke. "Anyone would think he's been shanked."

Seth groans and pulls me off his back to plant me in front of him, his face is stern mixed with a bit of exasperation. Angus looks at me like this quite often. Uh oh. Lecture about to start.

"Av," Seth sighs as the others move up beside us. "You are beyond bloody lucky that he's not going in the direction of the cop station and the hospital. Hopefully, he's just going home or something. Damn you are crazy."

I chuckle shaking my head, "why did you think he would be gonna go to the cops?"

"Duh! Because you stabbed him!" Seth shoots me an incredulous glance. Little bits of water bead at the ends if his blond wavy hair, I watch mesmerised as they drip on to his shoulders and run in rivulets over his broad chest threading their ways over his golden skin.

I shake my head free of the thought of following them with my finger.

"So?" I raise an eyebrow trying to look innocent of what I'm really thinking about, damn ovulation. "It was a warning, I didn't even go in deep and in a good spot too. I didn't just slip it in any old place.I know what I'm doing you know. "

Shaggy had taught me this meticulously, how far to go in and... well basically everything. He said it was a really good place to show people you mean business if they don't stop. You have to have a sharp bluff sometimes. These are the things we practise around the camp fire. Police aren't really a big thing in my life. I mean I have seen them at shows and stuff - the big one, like the royals - but not everyday, actually never on our property even when we errr, dealt with the guys that tried to rustle some of our cattle. I've never really talked to one before I stole the excavator. We deal with our own at home.

"You. Stabbed. Him," he accentuates each word with hand gestures. More water trails languidly down his smooth skin.


"Again... so? He had it coming he called me a horrible name that I won't stand for," Nan would have told me I had gone too easy on him I should have cut his tongue out for talking like to a girl. Nathan would've have skinned him alive and made him eat his own flesh... raw.  So he got off easy,  in my opinion.

Seth rubs a hand through his hair, frustrated. "Av, you're already on the cops radar after punching that girl at the show let alone you cutting some poor blokes fingers off --"

"-- hold on right there mate!" I cut him off as we walk up to his car. "That poor guy was about to steal Noah's car before he and his sick friends decided they would bloody try to have me instead," I growl as his eyes narrow.

"What?" he frowns staring at me.

"R.A.P.E. was what they were aiming for. Which I certainly won't tolerate of happenign to me or anyone I know. It was lucky Noah came flying into the fray because that poor bloke would probably chatting to worms right now. So yeah, I don't think they are gonna rush off to dob," I start walking, they follow, Seth and Sam look murderous. "Either will Jarrod."

"Why not?" Sam asks carrying the two boards, his voice is harsh and makes D drop to walk behind him. "What do you think is stoppin' him."

"Cause he just won't. I mean you guys fight all the time, no one dobs. Otherwise Deano and that other guy would have went to the cops not to you. And plus, I don't think it would go down to well with Noah if he did." I look in the back of Seth's car running a finger over the roses before grabbing my shirt and jeans. "Just sayin'."

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