Chapter 1- Meet Lexie Warren

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( hey guys this is my first conjuring fan fiction story, I got the idea from watching the two movies and seeing the love they both shared for each other and I just loved it and wanted to write about it. I am posting this chapter only at the moment to see how many responses I receive and if I get quite a few then I'll start posting more. I am going to try and blend the original story of the warrens with my warren story. I hope you enjoy......Carlykinz )

Lexie's POV :
Mom and dad arrive home late in the evening after being away a couple days on another case, I hear their bedroom door shut and dad sighing outside the door in the hallway.
" dad? Is everything okay? Where's mom?" I say walking out of my room and into the hall knowing where mom was but wanted dad to tell me.
" Hi sweetheart I thought you were in bed already, yeah everything is fine princess, your mother is just tired we've had a long trip"  dad said hoping that would satisfy me and stop me asking anymore questions.
" I was just studying in my room" I say shrugging my shoulders.
" come on tell me all about school, what have we missed?" Dad asked placing his arm round my shoulders as we walked into the living room.
" school is school, what happened on  this case dad?" I ask hoping he will tell me even though I know what happened.
" oh the usual me and your mother kicked some evil butt, is that the word now a days?" I laugh, I love my dad he really does try and he is a good father to me and Judy my younger sister by 2 years.
" why are you changing the subject? Isn't mom okay?" I frown.
" Lexie your mother is fine , this case was tough on her but she is fine" dad said as convincingly as he could.
" so how was school really?" Dad asks again.
" school is school dad but, cheer practice was good. The squad love my routine" I squeal with excitement.
So yeah I'm a cheerleader, head cheerleader to be exact at Masuk high school, Monroe Connecticut GO PANTHERS .
" that's great sweetheart" dad smiles " are you or mom coming to see me cheer soon?" I say a little desperately as they haven't been in a long time.
" we will do our best I promise" I nod knowing that really means no and once again they are putting the dead before me who is their living and breathing daughter.
" well I guess I better go to bed" I get up off the couch.
" good night princess, sleep tight" I frown as I watch dad grab the fleece blanket from the back of the couch and placed it on the couch.
" why are you sleeping out here dad?" Dad sighed " I'm just gonna watch a bit of tv and to not wake your mother I think I better sleep out here" I give a weak smile " moms not letting you in the room is she" dad finally gives in and shakes his head.
" I'm sure it will be okay tomorrow, I better head to bed. Night dad I love you" I say bending down and wrapping my arms round him tight and he hugs me back and kissed the side of my head " night princess I love you too, sleep well" we both let go and I head to my room.

The next morning I wake up groggily wiping the sleep out of my eyes as I walk out of my room and down the hall towards the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen not expecting dad to still be sleeping on the couch. I carefully creep round the kitchen trying not to wake him.
I grab two bowls one for me and one for Judy, I carefully place them on the dining table along with spoons and a glass of fresh orange juice.
" morning, hey did you mom and dad are back" Judy says whispering
" yeah they got back last night" I say adding some cereal to my empty bowl.
" why is dad sleeping on the couch in the living?" Judy raises an eyebrow at me.
" I don't know Judy, are you finished questioning me? I don't know okay?" I snap.
" okay sorry" Judy takes a seat at the table and we both sit in a uncomfortable silence for a few seconds before dad walks in the kitchen.
" morning girls, everything okay?" Dad question with a raised brow.
" dad? Why are you sleeping on the couch and where's mom?" Judy asks glaring at me and I glare back at her.
" I slept on the couch so I wouldn't wake your mother and your mom is asleep, you know it takes a lot out of her doing these cases" we both nod.
" well I better get ready for school" I say getting up from the table.
I leave the room and head back to my room where I shower and change into my cheer uniform with a few seconds to spare before the school bus arrives.
" bye dad" I call out and rush towards the school bus with Judy rushing behind me , fiddling with her cardigan " come on Judy for heaven sake were gonna be late" I call out to her, I love my sister but she can be right pain at times but she's my pain and I wouldn't change her for the world.
We finally get on the bus where we part ways, I rush to the back of the bus where my friends are cheering and calling my name whilst Judy finds a seat half way down and we head to school.
The rest of school was uneventful except for cheer practice of course but to be honest I couldn't wait to get back home in the hopes of seeing mom.
I arrive home around half 6 in the evening I walk through the front door dumping my cheer trainers and school bag by the front door " hello I'm home ?" I call out.
" in here Lex" dad calls back I know where dad is so, I rush towards the kitchen.
All the excitement I had I leave back in the hall when I see only my father and Judy sitting at the table doing her homework.
"Where's mom" I say glancing round the kitchen.
" your mother hasn't come out yet" I sigh.
" how was school?" Dad asks like he always does.
" it was okay I guess, when is mom gonna come out dad?" I hate it when dad tries to change the subject.
" I don't know Lexie , so please stop asking me" dad says a little harshly.
Little did I know mom wouldn't emerge for 8 days  and when she did she wasn't the same it's like she left a piece of her behind at that dreadful place and slowly I was lose my mother piece by piece.
A week after mom had emerged she began having these visions about a family tormented by a demonic creature. I would hear mom scream out at night and I would hear her sobs and dads soothing words as he held her tight. My heart would break hearing my own mother sobbing and all I wanted to do was to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be okay but was it going to be okay?....

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