Trapped in mom and dads museum of horrors!

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"Come on let's just shut this thing down" Judy said bringing Lexi back into the present.
Lexi and Judy safely close the ouija board " I guess that's it" Judy shrugged as she got up off the floor and picked up the board.
" no that's not it Judy" Lexi said as a matter of factly.
" Okay you're really freaking me out Lexi stop! He's gone and that's the end of it after all we condemned him back to hell" Judy shrugged.
Lexi picked up the planchette and the glove and they both turned to leave the room and headed towards the door and almost made it until the door slammed shut on them both.
" Oh God I knew it! I knew he wasn't really gone" Lexi said feeling the fear rise with in her.
" Shut up Lexi, it's probably a gust of wind or something look I'll go and open the door" Judy walked over to the door and tried to open it.
" Gosh that's a powerful gust of wind locking the damn door. It's him" Lexi began to sob.
" No there's got to be a logical explanation" Judy kept telling herself when really she was panicking like mad.
Judy kept trying to prise the door open but she wasn't having much luck.
Lexi heard a floor board creak behind her, she slowly turned round to see nothing there. She glanced round the room only to turn back sharply when she noticed that Annabelle was not in her Glass cage " Jud....Judy" Lexi whispered " Judy... Annabelle's out of her glass cabinet" Lexi said slightly louder this time.
" That's impossible it's always locked" Judy said trying to not to believe that it was Happening.
" Well it is possible,  because shes not there now and the damn door is locked still. I can see it" Lexi said glancing at the empty glass cage.
" Where's the doll now?" Judy asked.
Lexi shrugged "damned if I know"Lexi walked over towards Judy.
Once she reached Judy, Judy reached out and took Lexi's hand in her own and together they stood looking round the room for the Doll.
* Creak*
" Lexi What was that?" Judy asked with slight panic in her voice.
* creak*
" there it is again" Judy said.
" Judy Don't panic but turn around slowly" Lexi whispered.
Judy slowly turned round to see the rocking chair in the corner next to the glass cage rocking backwards and forwards as if someone was sitting in the chair rocking it.
Lexi let go of Judy's hand " Wait Lexi don't go" Judy whimpered " It's okay I'm just gonna go and have a look at it Okay and I'll be right back" Judy nodded.
Judy watched as Lexi walked away towards the chair. Judy nervously looked round the room, she glanced to her left and then to her right when suddenly she saw something run across the room.
" Lexi something's in here" Judy called out.
" There's nothing here" Lexi called back.
Judy glanced over at Lexi who was bending down the side of the rocking hair when she saw something slowly making its way behind.
" Lex! There's something behind you" Judy called out and Lexi quickly got up and turned to look behind her only to see nothing there.
" There's Nothing there" Lexi called back.
" There was something coming up behind you I swear" Judy said trying to justify herself.
Lexi made her way back over to Judy only to stop dead in her tracks " Judy....That Doll is behind you" Lexi stuttered.
Judy began to shake with fear as she slowly turned round to see that Annabelle was indeed laying by her feet.
" OMG" Judy screamed and rushed towards the door which to their luck was open and Judy rushed off with Lexi following behind.
Judy rushed to Lexi's room and climbed into Lexi's bed and hid under the covers. Seconds later Lexi rushes into her  room and shut the door.
" well thanks for leaving me behind" Lexi snapped.
" I'm sorry I was scared" Judy said finally appearing from out under the covers.
" Where are we gonna put these things?" Lexi asked holding up the Ouija board, the planchette and the wrapped up glove.
" I don't know Lex" Judy shrugged.
" ugh fine...I can put them under here" Lexi said bending down lifting the duet and placed the items under her bed.
" come on we need to get some sleep before school and of course before mom and dad arrive home tomorrow" Lexi said lifting the duvet cover and climbed into her bed next to Judy.
" I won't be able to sleep Lexi" Judy whined.
"Just try" Lexi snapped.
" What's wrong with you?" Judy asked as she turned over so her back was facing Lexi who just stared a head.
" I'm just tired that's all" Lexi yawned.
" Okay" Judy answered weakly.
" I'm sorry" Lexi whispered " Its Okay" Judy whispered back.

That morning Judy and Lexi were both sitting round the break fast table eating in silence " Gosh you girls are very quiet today is everything okay?" Their Grandma asked with concern.
" Oh just a late night studying that's all" Lexi smiled weakly.
Lexi and Judy looked at each other " Yeah we kind of lost track of time last night" Judy chuckled.
" You girls work yourselves to hard" Their grandmother said as she shook her head.
* beep beep*
" Oh that's the school bus we should get going" Lexi said shovelling the last of her cereal. Judy rushed past her sister "Bye nana" Judy called out " Yeah bye nana" Lexi called out.
" Bye girls, remember your parents are coming home today" she called out and the girls turned back and nodded.

Later that afternoon Ed and Lorraine Warren arrived home from their most recent case.
" Hi mom we're home?" Lorraine called out.
" Lorraine is that you my love, I'm in the kitchen" Her Mom Called out.
Lorraine and Ed dumped their cases by the door and made their way into the kitchen " Mom" Lorraine said as she rushed into her mother's embrace.
" Nice to have you back my darlings" She said letting go of Lorraine to go over and hug Ed.
" Good to be home Georgiana" Ed said hugging his mother-in-law.
" So How have things been? Have the girls been okay?" Lorraine bombarded her mother with one question after another.
" Everything has been fine my darlings and the girls well they've been okay but they have been pretty quiet lately and they both are clearly going through something or something has happened but whatever it is they won't tell me" Georgianna said.
Lorraine turned to look at Ed and they shared a worried glance " I'm sure everything is fine darlings, it's probably school stuff and the fact that they missed you both so much I can see it honestly it nothing to worry about and girls will be girls" she smiled.
" Thanks Mom"Lorraine smiled
" Will you stay tonight and have dinner with us tonight?" Georgiana nodded " of course Ed , Lorraine don't worry Okay I am sure everything is absolutely fine" Georgianna said trying to calm her daughter.
" Yeah I'm sure your mother is right, stop worrying" Ed said to Lorraine who nodded but deep down she knew something wasn't right the moment she stepped into her own house.

The Devil Within (The conjuring  Ed and Lorraine Warren fan fic )Where stories live. Discover now