University lecture and sleepovers part 1

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Lexi POV :
Just when I thought I got my mom back, my parents are going away again but this time they have been asked to attend a lecture in a university in Rhode Island. I don't mind as much as I know they won't be gone long not like last time.
It was a cold Sunday afternoon in Monroe. I lay on the floor by the warm open fire doing my home work, Judy was next to me also doing her home work whilst mom and dad were on the couch snuggled up in each other's embrace. I loved seeing how in love my parents are and I remember ever since I was small I knew I want a love like my parents have.
We were perfectly happy until that afternoon the phone rang, my dad got up of the couch and picked up the phone and I knew instantly by his reply that they were going to leave us again.
" we'd be delight to attend" Dad said cheerfully
I looked at Judy and we shared a glance that mom didn't miss. I swallowed hard not wanting to have to explain myself and why I shared a glance with Judy.
" look I know you aren't happy when we have to go away but, we are helping  and sharing our experiences with others and we will be home before you know it okay?" I sigh " we've just got you home mom and last time you said that we didn't see you for eight days mom and We don't  think we can through that again" I say not realising what I had just said.
" one moment, let me just grab the other line" dad says glancing at me and Judy before he slams the phone down and matches off into the kitchen.
" I....we didn't meant to upset dad" Judy says glancing down at the floor and a single tear slips down her cheek.
" hey it's okay, I'm sure it will be fine right mom?" Mom nods " absolutely sweetheart don't worry, we will be gone two days max, I promise" mom said looking directly at me and at Judy.
" Okay" I say weakly and Judy nods.
" any way you girls will get to spend more time with Nana" mom says trying to cheer us up and make herself better for leaving us so soon.
" when will you go?" Mom shrugs " I won't know until your father comes back into the room.
Dad comes back into the room " when will we go Ed?" Mom says softly.
" the next couple of days and it's at a university in Rhode Island so we won't be gone than 2 days" dad turns and addresses us.
" I know how you feel about us leaving but like your mother says we are trying to help others so they can have their lives back again and be a family like used to be and how we are"dad said seeing our not so happy faces and trying to make us understand.
" okay" we both say weakly and that was the end of the conversation not to be mentioned again until they leave.
Those two days went fast and before I knew it they were off again, so there we were me, Judy and Nana standing by the front door watching as our parents put their bags in the back of the car.
Mom came over to me and Judy and hugged us both " be good for nana and before you know it we will be home" I nod against mom so does Judy.
Dad hugs us both and says exactly what mom said to us and one last glance back from them both and they got into the car and drove off leaving me, Judy and Nana watching them slowly disappear into the distance.
" so girls what do you want to do today?" Nana asked softly.
" I have cheer practice at a friends tonight and they are having a sleepover, can I go?" I plead
" yes I guess you can go, I'm assuming your parents know about this ?" I cheer " yay thanks nana, I'll be home tomorrow" I hug nana and rush off into the house to pack.
" so it looks likes it's just us then Judy love" nana places her arm around Judy and together they walk into the house.
An hour later I had my bags packed as I was sitting on the couch when I felt this cold shiver down my spine and the fear like something or someone was watching me from behind, I turn my head and glance back but there's nothing there so, I turn back to the front.
Beep beep
I hear my friends parent honking their horn.
" I'm off now nana love you, bye Judy" I call out " bye sweetheart have a good time" I hear Nana call back.
" bye miss you already" Judy yells.
I pick up my bag and rush through the front door and close it behind me and rush up to Gracen's moms car and get in the back seat.
" hey girl" Gracen says all smiles as always.
" Hey!,Hi Mrs K, thanks for picking me up" I say brightly.
" no problem Lexi but, please call me Veronica" she says glancing at me in her rear view mirror with a friendly smile.
" okay Veronica" I giggle, its always so weird calling your parents or your friends parents by their first names.
" I am super excited for this sleepover tonight at Beth's" Gracen squeals, I just love how my best friend gets excited over the most simplest of things and that's what makes her my best friend.
" I know I can't wait" I say feeling the excitement rush through my veins but, there is something in the back of my mind that's telling me to be careful.
We arrive at Beth's large house, we thank and say goodbye to Gracens mom sorry Veronica as she told me to say!.
Me and Gracen knock on the door and wait for Beth to answer the door and seconds later the door slowly opens.
" Hi girls here for the sleepover?" A tall blonde said sounding just like Beth answered the door and we nod.
" they're in Beth's room upstairs" Gracen and I nod and politely say thank you before we rush up stairs with our over night bags in tow.
Me and Gracen knock on Beth's door and wait for a reply, seconds later the door swings open to reveal Beth already in her pyjamas.
" oh good your here" Beth practically pulls me and Gracen who nearly fall flat on your asses through the door into her room.
" I have been waiting forever, I'm glad your here" I glance at Gracen and we share a worrying glance.
" sorry we're late" Gracen says feeling slightly worried I can tell by her tone.
" it's okay,guess what?" Beth says
" ermmm what?" I say chuckling
" I found this really cool game in my attic last weekend" Beth speculation as she rushes over to her bed and bends down and reaches underneath and pulls out a large box.
" oh please don't tell me that's what I think it is" I blurt out and Beth smirks.

(Thank you so much for reading and for the lovely comment which made me want to update a bit earlier than planned but, I hope that chapter was alright for a second chapter, it won't be lexis POV all the time and I'll get to ed and Lorraine more and include bits from the 2 conjuring movies to fit this story. Gosh I hope that made sense. Most importantly before I forget HAPPY HALLOWEEN my dear readers 👻🎃)

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