Olivia Bishop

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Later on that afternoon there was a knock at the door " go away" I called out but the door slowly opened and Judy peeks round the door " Hey" she says sweetly.
" Hey" I say back and I actually smile, Judy shut my door and walks over to my bed and sits down opposite me.
" Lex, can I ask you something?" She asks softly and I nod
"are you okay?" She says licking her lips and I take a few minutes to think about my answer.
" The truth is.....I can see the dead like mom and dad but, that's not all" I say and Judy give her due she nods for me to carry on.
" I keep seeing this horrible man.....he's" I stop and close my eyes to see what he looks like.
" He's got these burns all over his body but mainly his face and he wears this red and black stripy jumper and a bowler hat" I slowly open my eyes and I glance at Judy who looks horrified.
Judy starts shaking " what's wrong Judy?" I ask placing a hand on her shoulder.
" Doe's....he have...razor....blades for fingers?" I am horrified at my sisters reply.

I felt a single tear slip down my cheek " you've seen him too?" I ask, I am in complete shock

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I felt a single tear slip down my cheek " you've seen him too?" I ask, I am in complete shock.
" Yeah....I've seen him once. It's always in this dingy old basement" I am worried that if I am seeing him and Judy is seeing him too then that must mean he is after her too.
" Lexi?" She asks and I nod.
" I think we should tell mom and dad" Judy says nervously.
" I don't know....Judy"I hesitate nervously.
" you know Mom and dad are the best people for the job" Judy says and I think over what she says.
"Yes they are but I can't tell them not yet" I sigh.
" If you don't then I will" Judy shrugs.
Judy gets up off my bed and turns to leave " Wait...." I call out.
Judy turns to face me " I've never asked this before but will you stay with me?" I ask and Judy nods " Of course I will" Judy gets into my double bed and snuggles down next to me. Grandma comes into my room to say goodnight and she chuckles seeing Judy in my bed.
" you used to do sleep in the same bed when you were both younger, Night Girls" Grandma says placing a kiss on the top of my head and then Judy and we both say goodnight to Grandma " Night Grandma" we say in unison " Night girls, you know where I am if you need me. Sleep tight girls" she says walking out of my room and turns off the the light and shuts the door. Me and Judy  we both drift off into a piece full sleep or so we thought.

An hour later Judy began to slowly toss and turn at first but then she started tossing and turning faster which actually woke me up and I glance round to check where I am and I relax seeing that I am in my room and Judy is next to me only she is clearly dreaming and it looks like she is having a bad dream so I gently whisper " Shh...it's okay Judy I'm here" I say shaking her and she eventually calms down and I turn on my side so my back is facing Judy and I drift off to sleep.

Little did I know that Judy in fact having the worst nightmare.....

Judy slowly opened her eyes to see that she was standing the boiler room at the top of the stairs. She glanced round " I want to wake up now" Judy said gently pinching herself but that wasn't working so she knew this was a dream. She had been here once before but didn't know why. Judy slowly descended the stair case placing her hand on the railing and looked round as she descended down the steps.
Suddenly there was movement in the corner and a small figure ran over to the other side " Hello?" Judy called out.
"Anyone there?" She called out again. Judy walked over to where the figure was seen.
Judy stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a small girl with blonde hair cowering in the corner " Hey its okay?" Judy said soothingly.
Judy bent down to the girls level "Hi I'm Judy, what's your name?" Judy asked softly. The girl turned to face Judy and Judy placed her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming when she saw the girls torn dress.

The Devil Within (The conjuring  Ed and Lorraine Warren fan fic )Where stories live. Discover now