Boiler room

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" Excuse me" a softly spoken lady said gently as she tapped Ed on the shoulder.
" Hi" Ed said letting go of Lorraine to turn and face the soft voice of the lady who tapped him on the shoulder.
" I'm sorry to bother you but. My name Carolyn Perron and I just watched your lecture" Ed nodded and Lorraine smiled.
" How can we help you Carolyn?" Lorraine asked softly.
" after watching your lecture about demons......I think my family and I are being tormented by a Demon in our home" Carolyn said nervously.
" I'm sorry but we are not taking any new cases at the moment. Have you reached out to the church?" Lorraine asked.
" I have but all they could do was bless the house and it did stop for about a week but it came back stronger than ever and now I don't know what to do or where to go......that's why I am here you both are my last resort" Carolyn began to cry and Lorraine and Ed shared a glance.
" I'm sorry but we are on our way home" Ed said turning his back to Carolyn whilst Lorraine had to watch Carolyn cry and it was then that Lorraine could get a proper look at Carolyn who looked like she hasn't slept in months perhaps years, she looked......Haunted.
" Ed , we have to help" Lorraine whispered.
" we can't Lorraine, no more new cases, I only just got you back after the last case and I am not losing you again for another 8 days and nor are Judy and Lexi" Ed said firmly.
" never mind, nice to have met you both" Carolyn said weakly and slowly walked away.
" please Ed, she clearly needs Help. We can just go and check it out for a couple of days, that's all I promise" Lorraine pleaded and Ed looked into his wife's eyes, sighed and nodded knowing Loraine would win and they would be going to see this family no matter what.
" Carolyn wait" Lorraine called out and Carolyn stopped and turned to see Ed and Lorraine walking over towards her "we will come and see for our selves and help you if we can" Ed said to Carolyn who stopped sobbing and her face lit up.
" oh thank you so much......" she said
" if you can give us the address, we will be there shortly we just have a phone call to make" Ed said

Mean while back at Beth's sleepover the girls had divided into 2 groups leaving Lexi and Gracen out, they decided to watch horror movies screaming and hiding behind the pillows as the scary part came up. Lexi however couldn't stop thinking about the dark image she saw earlier and how creepy it was.
Later that night the girls headed to bed with Gracen and Lexi sleeping on the floor next to each other. Lexi just laid on her back and looked at the ceiling and then turned on to her side and tried to drift off to sleep.
"Lexi" someone whispered, making Lexi turn over in her sleep.
" oh Lexi" it was whispered again.
Then silence for a few seconds then again " Lexi" Lexi was slowly beginning to wake up " shut up girls its not funny" lexi groaned.
There was a loud scraping noise as if someone was running razor blades down a rusty pipe. Lexi slowly opened her eyes and looked round the room to see that she was no longer in Beth's pink fluffy bedroom she was now in some dark and dismal place. Lexi sat up and looked at her surroundings.
" what the hell is this place?" she said getting up out of her bed and started to slowly wonder round. Steam pouring out of pipes making a hissing sound.
" Hello?" Lexi calls out as she looked round looking for signs of anyone.
There was nothing but silence, Lexi began to wonder along the narrow passage way trying to avoid the steaming hot Pipes that continued to hiss.
There it was again that scraping noise which got louder and lasted longer which made Lexi shudder and place her hands over her ears.
Then it stopped all of a sudden and Lexi let go of her ears and glanced round at her surroundings once again finally realising she was in a boiler room but why? And who was there with her ?.
Lexi turned the corner and heard a small child whimper, she followed the sound of the whimpering. Finally seeing a small girl hidden in the corner of the boiler room.
" Hi, are you okay?" Lexi asked softly and the girl continued to whimper.
"'s okay" Lexi said bending down to the girls level, the girl must have sensed Lexi was near to her because she turned round and looked at Lexi only she didn't have any eyeballs. Lexi fell backwards in shock seeing that where the girls eyes used to be it was now empty and there was blood running down her cheeks as if she was crying, lexi's eyes travelled down the girls body. Lexi saw that the girls top was ripped as if a tiger had clawed at her as there was 3 distinctive claw marks.
" what happened to you?" Lexi asked but he girl didn't reply she looked beyond Lexi and started to shiver .
" what's wrong?" Lexi asked.
" better run....he's coming" the girl said before she ran off her self leaving Lexi alone and exposed.
Lexi could feel a presence but not just any presence but an evil and sinister presence behind her making the hairs on the back of neck stand up and a shiver ran down her spine.
" I'd like to walk up now" Lexi pleaded
" Lexi" the figure said tormenting her.
" please let me wake up now" Lexi said.
" oh Lexi" the figure chuckled sensing her fear.
There it was again that sharp noise of blades running down a rusted metal pipe.
The figure was getting closer and closer tormenting her and it was clearly enjoying this as it ran the knife of whatever it was along the pipes.
The figure ran and  lunged at Lexi and Lexi screamed closing her eyes and shook with absolute fear.
Lexi woke up with a start, Lexi's was panicking trying to catch her breath, she was covered in beads of sweat.
She glanced around at her surroundings finally relaxing seeing the pink girly walls and pink decor, she knew she was back in Beth's room. Lexi glanced at a sleeping Gracen beside her. After that horrible dream Lexi was frightened to close her eyes in case she was back there in that creepy boiler room and with the girl who had no eyes  and that evil figure tormenting her name with that sharp scraping noise.
Little did Lexi know that would not be the last time she would see that place or that figure.......

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