The walk was long and tiring;We were walking to the main bone collector camp. Arthur was swinging the sword back and fourth, he had the look of vengeance in his eyes.
"So Arthur what's the plan?" Asked Atlas as he studied a map.
Arthur smiled, "well I'll go in and slit all their throats while you guys watch."
I was stunned, "wait we won't be fighting?"
"Of course not, I'll get my revenge on these bastards one way or another."
I've never heard Arthur say anything like that in his life. He was almost the definition of a goody two shoes, I guess after death things change.
We finally got there, we was waiting for the fall of night to attack.
The bright, beautiful, full moon was giving this cold dreary night some life. The glow was the only light we had. We sat patiently waiting for the last torch to go out in their camp.
Arthur's red demon eyes glowed from the reflection from the moon light. I always found him attractive before his death;his beautiful blue eyes matched the sky, he had a sun kissed tan, and his black hair looked like the night sky. Now his eyes look like blood, he is so pale he looks he as he has never seen the sun in his life, but his hair never changed. It was still a beautiful dark as night. I felt my attraction to him slowly grow back.
"Trilogy it's not nice to stare."
I looked up and he had that smile that would give you nightmares.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was just wondering when you was going to attack."
"Here in about five minutes, I'll give them time to make sure they are asleep."
Crystal was counting the time, I could tell she was nervous, she's never really showed much interest in fight or violence. That's probably why she is becoming a medic or why she didn't fight back when that bone collector was choking her.
"Times up. " Arthur said as he began to smile.
Atlas stood up and helped Crystal stand up. I never really in why Atlas was always helping her, I didn't understand why he was always sticking around her.
Arthur drew his sword, "let's go have some fun."
Sneaking into the camp was easy, you would expect with a war going on they would be a bit more protected.
Arthur whispered, "I wanna have some fun, it won't be much fun if I just go in here and kill them. I want them to fight back, I want to see them struggle, I want to hear them yelp as they die slowly. So I want Atlas and Crystal to make a big huge noise to wake them up."
Crystal and Atlas shook their heads in disagreement, "no we came in here to put a end to this war not have fun. " protested Atlas.
"You will do what I say."
Atlas again shook his head no. That's when Arthur did something that is unimaginable. He grabbed Crystal, and put his sword under her neck. Atlas had the look of absolute terror on his face. He went to grab her and Arthur pressed his swords deeper into her neck, she let out a yelp of pain and blood slowly began to drip.
"You'll do what I say or I kill her. You don't want her to die do you? You know the reason I'm saying this. So do it or she dies."
"Okay okay Arthur just let her go please you can't kill her."
Arthur had his devil smile, "beg me not to kill her." He started to move the sword in to her neck.
Atlas dropped to his knees, "Please Arthur, Please don't kill her, she carries my baby, I can't loose them both. " Atlas began to cry.
Arthur laughed and smiled, he loves the pain of others. He dropped Crystal to the ground. Atlas ran over to her and picked her up to examine her wounds. Arthur licked the blood off his sword and began to walk away. "Wake them up in the next five minutes or I kill her."
I took Crystal from Atlas. "Go wake them up I'll be sure she's okay."
Atlas shook his head in agreement and ran off to find something to make a loud noise.
"Crystal you're pregnant and you are fighting?"
She struggles to talk, "yeah I didn't want anyone to get suspicious so I went on with the war. I'm lucky I haven't lost it with the beating I've went through. "
I started to clean her neck so I could bandage it, "how did Arthur know?"
"He is a demon who knows what he knows."
I helped her up,and we heard pots banging and saw Atlas run through the field yelling to the top of his lungs.
All the bone collectors woke up with a sword in their hands. They started to run and Atlas. Arthur jumped between them. "This is the kind of fun I was looking for. "
He began to spin, he was slashing them and slicing them. You could hear there yelps and cries and blood began to fly. He was injuring then but not killing, he was making them suffer. I finally yelled "Arthur stop just kill them."
He looked up at me, his face was covered in blood and he smiled, "okay I'm after the leader anyway."
He just cut off there heads and walked away.
He walked straight into the leaders tent and I heard a pain yelp. He walked out carrying the leaders head in his hand. He smiled, " off with their heads."

ActionA time of war. A dead friend. Strict elders. A ghost of a friend. What should these teens do?