Chapter Nine

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     The metal doors opened, revealing the cold that was harbored outside. Mavis leaned against me, barely able to walk. Ahead of us, Percy was leading Annabeth through the snow on the base of the mountain.

     "Annabeth? Annabeth!" Annabeth would've landed in the frost if not for Percy, who quickly caught her. He turned back to Mavis and I, slowly making our way through the snow. I didn't want to go to quickly because of Mavis's condition, I couldn't bear to put her in more pain. I had intentionally been the cause of her and Annabeth's torture. Percy had a frantic look that made me nervous.

     "Is she okay?" I called up to him. "Mind if we speed up a bit?" I asked Mavis quietly. It was a horrible thing to ask but Mavis would never forgive herself if her damaged condition had put Annabeth in harm's way. She would blame herself if anything bad happened to her sister, and I wasn't to let any of it happen. Mavis nodded and we descended down the base of the mountain with a faster pace. We reached Percy fairly quickly and the terror was much clearer in his eyes up close. "Percy, we've gotta go." The elevator opened up behind us. Percy picked Annabeth up and followed Mavis and I. We jogged along the damp streets as fast as possible until finally Mavis stopped dead in her tracks.

     "Starr, you've got to leave me." I shook my head.

     "Don't try to be noble, Mavis, you matter too. Now come on." Mavis wouldn't move. But I kept my arm wrapped around her shoulders, no way was she sacrificing herself for me. I looked over my shoulder for Percy and Annabeth. They were both on Blackjack's back, heading toward us at a canter. I helped Mavis onto Blackjack's back when Percy approached us. "Go!" Mavis looked astound.

     "We are not leaving you here, Starr!" Mavis protested. I gave Percy a pleading look and he nodded solemnly. Blackjack started off at a trot, then started galloping through the night sky. I closed my eyes and turned to the crowd of rebels. I loaded my bow, then finally opened my eyes. I started firing arrows into the crowd, not knowing where they hit. I reached my arm behind my back and went for another arrow. My quiver was empty. Great, I thought, just what I need right now. With no other weapon on hand, I went to Plan B: run. I started off running in the other direction of the crowd. I stopped momentarily to rip the straps off my heels then ttook off the shoes and threw them at the large crowd. I resumed running in my bare feet on the empty road. The nuisance of a dress was flowing behind me as a ran like a gust of black-tinted wind. I decided not to care. It didn't matter if I died right now, no one would be upset. I'd caused enough pain. It was the only hope that the campers of Camp Half-Blood did care that kept me running. I soon came to a remote city and ran into the nearest convenience store. I stopped when I got through the door. The cashier gave me a look that said, "You are insane." Breathing heavily, I rushed to the back of the store to conceal myself, hoping the rebels would pass by without finding me. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about the rebels. A blonde boy on an electric horse appeared outside of the store. The sight brought me to tears. I rushed out of the store and into the open arms of Jason Grace, son of Zeus. I couldn't believe he would be the one to come. We'd been acquaintances since before Piper's death, but we became friends after. He helped me onto the horse then got on himself and charged into the night.

     I had a bad habit of falling asleep while flying. I didn't remember falling asleep but when we got close to camp, Jason woke me. He had wrapped me in his jacket to keep me warm. Leaving him in just a t-shirt and jeans. I took off the jacket and handed it back to him.

     "You didn't have to do that."

     "Give you my jacket? Starr, may I remind you your wearing a dress and no shoes." Jason started, I cut him off before he could continue.

     "I mean save me." I sighed. "You could've easily left me to die." I shivered. "I wouldn't have blamed you. I mean...I wouldn't even have rescued me." Jason shook his head.

     "You don't mean that." Tears stung at my eyes. I was sick of being me, I meant it.

     "I do. But, thank you." Jason nodded. I leaned my cheek against his back, not at all romantically, more just friendly or just humanly. I missed Lance, I missed not having to worry about any of this. Most of all, I missed being blank. Not knowing where or what I was. I know what I am now. I'm a bad person, a monster. Someone who will lead people to their deaths. I could've saved Piper, I almost killed Mavis and Annabeth today. After a few minutes of silence Jason spoke.

     "We're here." I pulled away and wiped my cheeks of any excess tears. Jason's horse dropped us off just outside the entrance of camp. Jason went into camp first, seconds before I did. When I entered camp there were two lines of campers on either side of me. A collective cheer went up among the campers. People were hugging me and clapping Jason on the back. I smiled brightly. It was for show though. I heard someone whisper, "Does she know?" I looked around from one side of campers to the other.

     "What? What do I not know?" Small whispers came up from the campers. Nico do Angelo stepped forward from the crowd.

     "Starr...Lance is in critical condition."

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