Chapter Eighteen

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The sky was painted a brilliant, soft pink melted together with orange when I exited the cabin. It was a new day, a fresh start. If only it was like that. The past was still a presence, the memories still in their apparent corners of my mind. Previous events were still just that, previous events. I shrugged it off, held my head high. I was still together, emotionally and physically. I had to prove something.

At breakfast, I smiled and laughed. Afterwards, I told Chiron I would lead the battle.


"So, what's on our agenda today?" Annabeth walked up to us, dressed in full armor.

"We're practicing our strategies today."

"Meet you there." I ran to my cabin, grabbing my bow and quiver, and my dagger. I strapped on my armor and started for the edge of the woods where the campers were meeting. When I arrived, they all turned to me. "Um...hi. So, I'm guessing you all already know what we're doing today." They stared at me with blank expressions. "Oh, we're practicing strategies. So...I'll let Annabeth take it from here." I stepped back as Annabeth faced the crowd. She had an air of confidence that made me envious. She could keep her cool no matter what, unlike me, the train wreck. Annabeth explained the complicated battle strategy and how it would play out. I was assigned a sniper along with several children of Apollo.

"Now let's get to work!" We reported to our positions. Mine required me to scale one of the tallest trees buried deep in the woods. When I got to the top, instead of feeling a surge of fear, I felt a burst of freedom. It was a strange sensation, feeling free. I embraced the feeling and took a moment to take in the beauty of the world above the canopy of the trees. Emily joined me at the top. She let out a quiet whoop.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" I nodded.

"Stunning." My moment of freedom ended and I notched an arrow, waiting for the signal.

"Look-" Emily was interrupted by the sound of a loud horn. She turned to me, "Is that the signal?" I slowly shook my head.

"That's not the signal." I heard the horn again. Then came the pounding. The sound of feet.

"Starr...." There was panic and fear in Emily's voice. The pounding grew louder. And a sea of people surged over Half-Blood Hill.

-End of Book Two-

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