Chapter Twelve

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I don't know how long I'd been sitting there. It must have been a while. When I uncovered my face, an early sun shone through the window. The rays of sunshine caressed my face as they slowly illuminated the rest of the room. A beautiful sight it was, sunrise, it marked new beginnings, new opportunities, a new day. I slowly climbed to my feet and when I did I saw the infirmary was empty. I walked out of the Big House as slowly as I had stood. I walked to the lake as no one was awake. The pale sun, steadily lifting into the sky reflected onto the lake, giving it a deep blue tint. I sat on the browning grass near the edge of the lake, my dress billowed out around me. I saw my reflection in the surface of the lake. Was that really me? The girl I saw staring at me from the lake had my face but her piercing blue eyes were those of a broken person's. Deep like the ocean, but filled with sorrow. I lightly touched the reflection with my index finger. My face rippled, becoming strange color trying to settle in and become whole. I pulled away so I wouldn't have to see my face anymore. Gathering the layers of the dress, I stood. I took a deep breath in, slowly letting it out. When I turned relief flooded through me. Mavis stood far behind me, but I could tell she was smiling. I ran to her and hugged her. As soon as I had done it, I pulled away.

"You're alive." Mavis nodded. I glanced over her shoulder and saw the Elementals standing there. "Hi." I gave them a small wave and only Merisa waved back.

"Yeah, so are you." I gave Mavis a slight smile to show I wasn't disappointed at her appearance.

"Heard you had a mental breakdown recently." A voice came from behind Mavis.

"Max!" Mavis turned around, giving Max an evil look.

"What?!" I looked down at my feet as Mavis and Max feuded. "Hey! Are you crazy?" I looked up. Max was approaching me, walking at a fast pace.

"I hope not."

"Do you feel crazy?" When he said it, Max was grinning.

"No, why?"

"'Cause you look crazy." I smiled.

"I try so hard to achieve that look." Max narrowed his eyes and gave me a slight nod as if to say, "touché".

"Max, come on." Mavis pleaded.

"How are you here?" I immediately felt awful after I asked it but Mavis didn't seem bothered by the question.

"The Elementals needed me...elsewhere. Sorry I didn't tell you guys." I sighed. Going out of my mind with worry was for nothing. Mavis was fine.

"It's okay, you just scared me half to death." Mavis took me aside from the others and started walking towards the woods.



"Why are you still wearing that dress?" I looked down. I was still wearing it, huh.

"I guess I haven't had time to change."

"Very unlike a child of Aphrodite." Mavis grinned and nudged me.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Mavis rolled her shoulder around. "Just a bit sore."

"I'm sorry." Mavis stopped walking and turned to me. She stared at me.

"Starr, stop." I backed away a step.


"None of this is your fault. Stop blaming yourself for everything."

"But, it is my fault." I hung my head. "All I ever do is hurt people." I whispered, keeping my eyes locked on the ground.

"You saved Annabeth and I from the rebels." I looked up.

"You would never have been in trouble with the rebels if not for me! I asked you to come to San Francisco!" I was practically screaming at her. I was not only a horrible person, but a horrible friend. I quieted my voice and said, "It's my fault. I'm sorry." Then I turned and attempted to walk away but Mavis grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go.

"Hey, it's okay." She pulled me into a hug. I stood there, still, until she let go. "You've got to forgive yourself."

"Okay." Demigods had begun to stir and all who were outside gaped in awe at Mavis. I jogged away from Mavis. I had no idea where I was going but I found myself at the door of the Apollo cabin. I opened it and scanned it for Lance. I saw him in the back of the cabin. I started toward him at a steady walk but it ended up turning into a run. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his shirt.

"I'm sorry." Instead of answering me, he led me to his bed and sat me on the edge of it. He keeled in front of me, holding both my hands.

"Look at me." I raised my head and looked at him. "I'm right here, okay? I'll never leave, I promise." I tilted my head back down, so he wouldn't have to see me so broken and afraid. "I promise." I nodded. "Now I need you to promise me something."


"That you'll always know that I love you." I nodded again, smiling.

"I promise."

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