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            My eyes cracked open and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to school today. I felt like I'd been pushed through a meat grinder. That was probably over dramatic but it really did hurt to move my body. But it wasn't just the pain though I couldn't face the people at school today. I just didn't have the energy I wouldn't be able to stand seeing Toby still walking around being an ass. But I also couldn't see Jesse either. I didn't want to see the pity in his beautiful, green eyes.

   My eyes felt sticky from crying so much last night.

  I fell back asleep only to be waken up a minute later by my mom.

     "Adam? Hey, baby you don't have to go to school today , but I can't take off work again. Are you gonna be okay by yourself tonight?" She asked looking worried and stressed. I gave her a few half hearted yeahs and okays and she seemed to believe me because she left a few minutes later. I fell back asleep.

     The rest of the day went pretty fine. I woke around noon and took some Advil for my head. I ate some leftover pizza and I even attempted to watch some netflix. That part didn't work out though. I couldn't stop thinking about him. About how he had looked so angry at Toby and how soft his eyes had been when he looked at me. I hated myself more every time I thought about it.

     Jesse is normal. He isn't a freak like me. The only reason he helped me was because he felt sorry for me. I didn't need to drag Jesse into my bull shit.

      I focused my attention on the tv atop my dresser trying desperately to get him outta my head.

  Time lapse.
Today was Saturday and the bruises on my face and stomach had gotten a little better. I still felt like shit but my mom insisting we go to the mall today to buy me some clothes, unfortunately I couldn't argue with her there my wardrobe was seriously impaired. I was rapidly outgrowing the small amount of clothes I had brought with me to our new house.

    I sighed shifting through the articles in my dresser, trying to find something suitable to wear to the mall. I begrudgingly settled on jeans and an old navy sweater.

    My mom and I arrived at the mall around six pm. We must have gone to at least fifteen stores. I hated it when my mother spent money on me. But she was more than willing. I think she felt guilty that I had been bullied, but it wasn't her fault.

  I had gotten a couple pairs of black jeans, t-shirts, and a few nice sweaters. My wardrobe was vastly improving.

   "How about we go in there." my mother said pointing at the American Eagle, "then we get some food and go home?" She asked. I nodded and we quickly made our way into the store. My mom began looking at their khakis and I walked over to the flannel section. I liked flannel, it was comfortable. This particular store had a good selection, and I eyed a particular blue one. It was very nice. I picked up its tag to check the price.

    "You should get that one it will match your eyes." I heard a familiar, deep voice say behind me.

   No. This couldn't be happening.

   I quickly spun around only to see Jesse's shrinking face a foot away from mine from mine. An embarrassing gasp escaped my mouth and Jesse just smirked wider.

  "W-what are you doing here?" I asked almost cringing at how soft my voice had become but it was also rough from disuse. I hadn't been talking much. Jesse just shifted from foot to foot and looked away.

   "Same as you, shopping." Jesse said nonchalantly. I turned my head and saw what he was looking at. A group of girls about our age at the other end of the store. He wasn't here to shop, he was here to pick up girls. I hated the way my heart dropped at the realisation, but why had I thought any different? God, I was stupid.

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