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Micky walked into the shop. It wasn't very big - he could see one cashier and one other shopper, but that was it. He quickly made his way to the shelves and started picking out some snacks.

Out of the corner of his eye, Micky could see the one other shopper make his way toward him. He smiled at the man before making his way to where the drinks were kept.

That's when he felt it.

There was an explosion in his head like a hundred grenades going off in his mind all at once. Micky screamed and covered his ears, dropping the snacks. He fell to his knees on the floor and bent forward, breathing heavily and silently begging the pain to go away.

Tears of pain rolled down his cheeks. Out of the corner of his eye, Micky could see the other shopper - a lanky man with shaggy blond hair and brown eyes - make his way to him. Temporary relief washed over Micky. He believed the other man was going to help him.

But the blond man only sneered at him.

Then the pain got worse.

Micky screamed again, much louder than before. It felt like hours were dragging by, but it must've been only a few seconds. He felt two people lift his arms and pull him onto his feet.

"Hey man, you okay?!"

Micky's vision was hazy, but he recognized one person as the cashier he'd seen earlier. The other man must've been the manager or something.

Then the front door flew open, and all Micky could see was Michael's horrified face.

Just like that, the pain was gone. Micky collapsed again - this time from relief - but the two men supporting him managed to hold him up. He was blinded by his own tears, but he could barely make out Michael running to him.

"Micky! What happened?!"

Suddenly, Micky found himself enveloped in Michael's strong arms. He broke down and sobbed into the Angel's chest.

"Babe, what happened?" Michael asked again, softer this time. Micky sniffled and pointed a finger down the aisle.

"Th-The man."

Michael frowned. "What man?"

Micky's vision cleared enough for him to look around the gas station in confusion.

The man was gone.

I Wanna Be Free (Dolenzmith) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now