Chapter 1

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~Chapter 1: Living with Luke~

.Emma's POV.

"Will you marry me" a tall handsome boy said to me.

"Emma I love you, I want to be with you.... forever" he continued as he stared intensely into my eyes, his warm brown orbs seem to be piercing into my soul.

"But.. Wha.. What about Lu.. Luke" I manage to say.

"What about Luke? Baby I love you and Luke isn't getting in my way, I don't care who he is" he smiles and places a small peck on my cheek.

I just stare at the ground, wanting to say yes, but what will everyone think? What am I kidding I don't care what everyone thinks, I love him, I'm going to marry him. I slowly look up to see his beautiful smile and perfect dimples, this makes me smile.

"Yes" I say without any regret.

"Yes!" I say with alittle more excitement and jump into his warm hug.

"I love you Emma Hemmings" he says before breaking the hug.

"My mistake I mean Emma Irwin" Ashton smiles then leans in for a..

*dream over*

"WAKE UP EMMA!!!" I hear a deep voice. I refuse to open my eyes but I know it's my brother.... Luke.

"C'mon Emma wake up!" He begs.

"Hmmmmmm no" I say sleeply from under my covers. "Go away" I moan.

"Fine you asked for it" he says before I can hear fast running foot steps running towards me.

"No no no no no no" I sit up quickly to see Luke standing over me with a large bucket of what I'm guessing is water. "Don't you dare" I stare at him and give him a serious look, but in return all I get was a childish grin showing his dimples.

"What are you going to do to stop me" he smiles at me and tilts the bucket so it's only centimetres from pouring all over me.

"I'll get up! I'll make you breakfast! I'll so your Landry! Please don't do it!" I say as I raise my arms and don't let my eyes leave the bucket.

"Hahahaha Emmy I love when you get all serious like that" he lowers the bucket and helps me out of bed. "c'mon you have some bacon and eggs to cook me" he says with an evil grin.

"I'll be down in a minute I need to get dressed and make my bed" I say as I push my annoying brother out the door.

" Fine but hurry up I'm starving" I just roll my eyes at Luke and shut the door and turn around and walk to my bed.

I look down at my bed and try and remember the dream I was having before Luke interrupted, that right it was about Ashton... again, I need to stop having these dreams, he is my best friend, and just because I may have a small crush doesn't mean he feels like same.

"Ahhh" I groan as I drag myself over to the walk in robe and find a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top. I then walk into my bathroom and brush my long blonde wavy hair and put it in a messy bun, I then add some light foundation and mascara and head down stairs.

"God how long does it take to get dress" a hungry moody teenager says from the kitchen.

"Stop your complaining and pass me the eggs" I say then smile causing Luke to groan because I actually made him move, he passes the eggs then heads to the lounge.

"How would you like your eggs?" I ask but get no response, "don't complain if your eggs are cooked wrong" I yell to my annoyed brother, then turn around and continue to cook our breakfast.




*Calums POV*

Agh I have to go to the Hemmings household to practise for an up coming gig soon, I don't like practising at Luke's place for one reason, and that reason being two words.

Emma Hemmings.

She hates me with a passion and I have no idea why! I mean c'mon who wouldn't like me? I'm Calum Hood apart of 5 seconds of Summer! I'm good looking, talented and funny!

Anyway I need to get ready and be at there place at 10am.

I get out of my warm comfy bed and walk to the bathroom I look in the mirror for a few seconds then fix my messy bed hair or as the fans call it 'Sex Hair' haha oh those fans of ours make me smile.

I then walk to my robe and take a pair of black skinny jeans my Captain America singlet and my black chucks.

I get dressed and grab a banana on the way out for breakfast.

This is going to be an interesting day








Wooo first chapter done! sorry if it's boring or too long or too short! please comment or message me to let me know what you liked about it and what you didn't! I can take criticism! I'll add a new chapter every couple of days because it's holidays. hope your enjoyed it


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