Let Love Be

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Before I begin, here are three poems on love that I'd like to share because they are awesome!

1. "I Know What Love Is!" by Abdul Wahab

2. "What is Love" by Walter Rinder

3. "When Love Arrives" by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye


Some people view things differently, I get that. I just don't understand when some people become so focused on what they believe in, that they don't see what is right in front of them. One of the most debated topics in fandoms are the ships, which aren't necessarily bound to fandoms only but is used in real life. Come on! Even our teachers, parents, relatives and so forth, have been caught before in that act of shipping. 

Having reasons on why you ship a pairing is always a must, everyone knows it, but why must these reasons always be seen as "suggestive to pairing" or "non-suggestive to pairings?" In real life - yes, real life - chemistry exists, and sometimes just because we are in close contact with a friend does not mean that we are homosexual, heterosexual or whatever sexualities exist, and it does not mean that we are romantically inclined toward said, person. So why must contact and distance always be referred to when supporting a ship? 

"Oooh, I rested my head on her shoulder today." It must totally mean that I'm comfortable with my friend, therefore, I feel attracted and must have possible romantic feelings for said, friend. "I placed my hand on this boy's shoulder as I looked at his work." That is totally me flirting....To both of those situations: W-R-O-N-G, WRONG!!!! Just because You make close contact or any contact with the opposite sex, does not mean you are flirting, have any romantic chemistry or whatever it is some people have said to justify ships.

One that I've been really frustrated with is if other shippers don't take into account age differences etc. when slandering other people's ships. "They are so awkward on their first date!" "They just don't...fit right!" Let's get one thing straight, if the characters are young, you must think about their situation that would have lead to the atmosphere the two characters on their first date were in. I'm pretty sure that some people have had at least one awkward first date because they weren't sure how to go about things, or they were still trying to figure out how this weird thing called relationships worked. And characters not "fitting right" with one another is complete bollocks. We are in a world of different ethnicity, races, heights and sizes. If we set rules on what looked right with what, we wouldn't have had the diversity we have today. We certainly wouldn't have the mixed groups we associate with, because if one type doesn't look right with another - and society says this - then we probably would feel stigmatised to only associate with likened individuals. Where's the fun in that?

What I'm trying to say: If you ship someone, don't use the littlest facts to justify it when you know it probably meant nothing. If you ship someone, don't listen to me and not use those littlest facts to justify it. I won't tell you what to do, but please use common sense and the decency to ground yourself in reality, before you shove that proof in people's faces. A) getting things shoved into your face is uncomfortable and annoying. B) It makes anyone irritable whether the shoving is done through an internet post or in real life. C) You just look like a jerk if you become a hypocrite, don't admit to it, and can't see it.

I'm out.

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