[7/?] Promise

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January 2nd, 2020
9:31 am
Japan, headquarters of the JIDA

No matter how tired you were....

No matter how much you wanted to sleep....

No matter how late it was, or early depending on how you looked at it....

He was there.

Whether it was just in the corner of your mind or as the center of your thoughts, Loïc Chevalier never missed his chance to be there. It was a ridiculous and definitely scary concept, no doubt about it, but it was still enough to keep you up all night. You knew that he was gone, you knew that this wasn't actually him but the demon that had posessed him, but you didn't care anymore.

As of now, Loïc was the enemy and even if you didn't want it to be true, that was just how it was at the moment. Loïc was a threat to the JIDA and to any human close to you in general. You didn't care that people in the DO must be thinking of you and Chiko as traitors right now, almost everyone had fought with you together against the vampires, which basically meant that all of them were traitors one way or another, they just pushed it away because they didn't want it to be true. Or they merely ignored that fact because they were too scared of the consequences.

Then again, Loïc couldn't just slaughter his own men for something that they weren't completely responsible for, could he? They had just been following your orders because they knew that they would have run straight to death if they had gone to Loïc's part of the formation. It would be cruel of Loïc to kill innocent people and as much as you hated the situation, you weren't sure whether he would actually do it or not anymore. Not when he was like this.
Not when he was posessed.

The whole story had kind of been his fault too, you couldn't deny that either, it was all because of the huge human experiment that he was fully responsible for. Why would he agree to be a part of an experiment from which he didn't know what the results could be? That was a stupid decision, wasn't it? And even though you weren't sure what to think of Loïc anymore, you knew that he was definitely not a dumb person at all, he must have known that there was the possibility of him getting posessed.
Still, why would he give up his humanity if he didn't know what for? There had to be some kind of reason for him to do this and it killed you that you didn't know why.

Letting out a deep sigh, your eyes shot open at the sudden sound of a knock. You really didn't want to be disturbed right now, your thoughts were a mess and you didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"(F/n)? Are you already awake? It's me, Chiko."

Her voice was calm like usual and didn't give anything away, but she knocked again which proved that she wouldn't accept 'no' for an answer. This had to be important and you had no other choice apart from allowing her to come in.

"Yeah, I'm awake. You can come in, if you want to." You piped up for the first time after about a minute of having collected your thoughts. Just what did she want now?

Of course you loved her a lot and all, she had been the one that saved you after all, but there was always the experiment nagging in the back of your mind. She was a part of it, too. And you wouldn't be able to handle the thought of her getting posessed as well, no doubt about it. She was just too important and had so much information inside of her, you didn't know what you would do if she ended up being in the same position as Loïc.
Chiko Hayashi was half demon. And the thought of her demon side taking over was enough to make a cold shiver run down your spine multiple times in a row.

For someone that was third in command in the DO, that really did mean something.

Merely the fact that she could end up like the leader of the DO anytime, a little snap was enough, scared you to death.

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