Chapter Fifteen

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After three long hours Charlie finally came out of the meeting and walked into Brittany's room. He seemed stressed but he looked as if he had some kind of plan of his own.

"My father had planned to strike tomorrow night." He stated, sitting down in front of me on the floor. Brittany had put the ugly truth on and we were in the middle of putting her new bedside table together. She managed to trick me into help out by using fancy words so I didn't realise exactly what we were about to do until it was too late.

"Who's going exactly?" I asked.

"Every able vampire there is. Including us. But on the bright side it will give you the opportunity to see your friend. We'll have to go hunting again first but the attack would be a good cover." He explained.

"Whoa, she's not ready for that! She only just went hunting and actually killed something for the first time!" Brittany shrieked.

"She's already displayed great control by pulling back all of those times. As long as she keeps her distance, she'll be okay." He argued back. I hated it when they spoke about me as if I wasn't there, but I felt as if I couldn't really say anything because I hadn't been a vampire long enough to know what I could and couldn't handle. I wanted to see Lisa, especially after she left me that photo, but I didn't want to put her in danger and at this point, I could be dangerous to her.

"How would we even pull it off. We are meant to be going to battle with the wolves right?" I piped up.

"I already thought of that. We will go into this fight like we were told and then slip away halfway through. I'll cover you Cordelia but you'll have to run like you never have done before. Once you get to your friends you'll need to get her to invite you in but that would mean she would lose her protection and if our side loses, she'll be in big trouble, just like you were. Probably worse." Charlie explained. I just nodded. I didn't want to say I agreed with anything just yet because I wasn't sure if I wanted to do anything that would put Lisa in danger. "Come on. Let's go back to our room." Charlie said standing up then lifting me up to my feet. He opened the door for me and we ran to our room. Walking seemed to take too long now that I knew just how fast I could go.

Once we reached our room I collapsed on the bed and was immediately drawn into my own thoughts. I hated the idea that I might endanger Lisa, but she contacted me. Surely that meant it was something important, for her to try and seek me out.

"Stop thinking about it." Charlie said, laying down beside me.

"How can you know what I'm thinking?"

"Because I know you."

"Well... I can't help it. I don't want to do anything to hurt Lisa, or anyone else for that matter."

"You won't. Someone will be with you at all times when to go to Lisa, just as a precaution, then as you get into the swing of things you won't need anyone looking over your shoulder anymore."

"But I will. Brittany told me that you only manage by catching a criminal every now and then. I can't handle doing that by choice and if I lose control anyone could get hurt, criminal or not." I sighed.

"Don't worry about all of that for now."

We spent the rest of the night inside. Everyone was making arrangements for tomorrow. They were getting briefed so that everyone knew what to do. Charlie said I didn't have to attend as I already knew what I was going to do. Charlie openly told me that he hoped the wolves got the better of his father, as he was going to be on the front line, jumping in head first. I didn't say it but I was wishing for the same thing. I knew that Charlie's dream of running away to some Island off the coast of Italy would stay exactly that if he was around. There was no way we could even speak about leaving anymore with him around. When we went to sleep that night I could help but cling tightly to Charlie. If the sun didn't send vampires into a hibernation state, I wouldn't of slept at all that day.

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