1- The Beginning

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Carly's POV

I was six, just a little girl, and my brother was seven. I remember my dad, Todd, called me downstairs, so I went down. He had always been an alchoholic, so you never knew what to  expect. I never expected this though. When I got downstairs he slowly started walking toward me. He had a weird walk to him, like he couldn't walk without falling. 

"What did you need, daddy?" I asked him.

"I need you to shut up. It's all your fault. If you hadn't been born your mother never would have left me. It's all your fault, I hate you! I wish you had never been born. Your mother would still be here." He slurred.

"I-i'm sor-" I stuttered, my eyes filling with tears.

"I said shut up!" he shouted. I felt a tear stream down my face. I hated getting yelled at. Then he hit me. He slapped me right across the cheek with the palm of his hand. I had never expected him to hit me like that. Then he punched me right on the side of my stomach. It hurt so bad. I felt like I had been run over by a car. My brother peeked down the stairs. I couldn't really see through the tears and my face was swelling. I could hear him asking what was wrong and my dad yelling at him to go upstairs. He continued to beat on me until finally i just passed out.

He continued to use me as his punching bag until I was fourteen. I would skip days and days of school at a time because the bruises were so bad.  When I was fourteen, he raped me. I will never forget the first time. I had no idea what he had done to me, so I asked Tony. Tony could never help me because my dad said he would shoot him.  Tony had to explain all the sick things he would do to me and make me do to him. I had to continue to let him do all of this awful stuff until Tony turned eighteen and i could move in with him. 

We were now living in a small apartment with Tony and his bestfriend Kyle. I still went to school. I actually had many friends.  Nobody was as close to me as Tony and Kyle though.


I was being strangled. I looked up, and it was my dad strangling me. He slapped me a couple times, kicked me, and punched me. Then the door opened and he looked up. It was Tony. "Okay. Now we can really start the party." He raped me, my own brother. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see. I was spinning and spinning in a huge black hole.

"Carly! Carly! CARLY! CARLY! Wake up your having a nightmare!" It was Kyle. I sat up and hugged him tightly. I was breathing really heavily and sweating. "Shhh it's okay. I'm here."

I always had nightmares. Every night. One of the boys would always come in and wake me up.  "it was awful. My dad, he was beating me, and then Tony came in... and he.... he.... he-"

"Shh don't say it. You know Tony would never do that." It was true. I had the same nightmare everynight.  I knew he would never do that. Tell that to my dream. 

"What time is it?"


"Oh. It's Saturday. I'm going back to sleep for a while." I told him.

"Alright," and he started to walk away.

"Kyle," he turned around, "will you stay with me?" "Absolutley." and he went to sit in the chair by my bed. "No, come here." I said, making room on the bed for him.

When I woke up sometime later, Kyle was gone. I got up and went down the hall to get breakfast. I sat down by the counter.

"Mmm make me breakfast." I said sleepily to my brother. 

"No, and go put some clothes on." I looked down at myself. I was wearing a white cami and shorts. 

"Just shut up and make me french toast."

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