14- Plane sickness.....sorta.

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                               ***********Kyle's POV**********************

 “Call her. Dad doesn’t know where she is so she must be safe. Tell her about us going to Australia, and Tony Jr.” Tony said, smiling.

 “I will when we land. Promise. Right now, I just want to sleep. I’m, uhm, a little tired.” She said, and I chuckled.

“Oh, by the way, next time you do that when I’m home, be quiet.” Tony teased. Carly’s face turned red at the comment.

“Come here,” I told her, because she was sitting across from me. She came over and sat by my, putting her head in my lap. All of our stuff had been put in the same area as us, and I grabbed a blanket, throwing it over her. She laid there for a while, but sat up. I’ll bet she can’t get comfortable, but she leaned on me, resting her head on my shoulder. She still didn’t look very comfortable, but she was almost asleep. I moved so she was laying on me and she buried her face in my neck. I kissed her forehead, and she fell asleep a couple minutes later. I lay there, just looking at her, for a long time, and just when I was thinking I should take a nap, my parents called me over to where they were sitting. I moved really slowly and laid her down, careful not to wake her up. I went over to where my parents where, sitting in a seat by them.

“So are you two together now?” My mom asked.

I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as I replied. “Yeah, we have been for a couple weeks. Well officially at least, we were kind of together before that.”

My mom squealed, and I shushed her before she could wake up Tony, Marissa or Carly.

“Okay, well there is one thing that I’m confused about.” Dad said. “What did Tony mean by Tony Jr.?”

“Oh. Uhm, Carly’s pregnant.” I said, so quiet that I thought they hadn’t heard me. Their faces dropped in horror and I panicked for a second. Were they mad?

“What? Was it her father?” They whisper yelled.

“Oh, no, no,” I said. “It was, uh, me.” I whispered the word me, and they leaned forward, straining to hear me.

“Kyle! How could you be so irresponsible?!” Mom shouted. Dad shushed her, because she was going to wake everyone up.

“I am going to be here for her. She actually convinced me that it will be fun. She is ready for this. We have had a conversation about it. We can do this.” I said. I looked at my mom, and she looked like she had tears in her eyes. “Mom, why are you crying?” I asked, concerned.

“I’m so proud of you baby. You are so grown up! I know we haven’t really been there for you because we had to move and all, but you are making us so proud!” Mom said, tears falling down her cheeks. “If you need anything, anything at all, let us know. I love you,” she said, hugging me.

“I love you too mom. Actually, there is something, I need-” I cut off when I heard Carly.

“Kyleeee, I-I’m going to be sick.” She moaned, and I grabbed the trash can from beside me, rushing over to her side, pushing it under her just in time for her to be sick in it. I pulled her hair back, seeing she had a hair band on her wrist. I pulled it off, tying her hair back. I rubbed her back until I was sure she was finished.

I got up and went into the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it down. I brought it back out to Carly and she cleaned herself up. “Can you help me into the bathroom?” She asked me, covering her mouth. I was worried she was going to be sick again until she said, “I bet I have really bad breath right now.” I helped her into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth.

When she was finished, we went back out into the main room, and she sat with my parents, my mom handing her a water bottle. “Are you alright?” Mom asked her, concern written all over her face. Carly nodded, sipping from her water bottle. “Hungry?” She asked.

“No, not really. I kind of want to go back to sleep.” She answered. She grabbed my hand, pulling me back to our seats. We laid back down how we were before and both fell asleep.

                   *******************Carly’s POV********************

I always felt like I was being a needy brat with Kyle. I know he loves taking care of me, and he would do anything for me, but I felt needy. I should be able to take care of myself. I fell asleep next to him at our seats on the plane.

When I woke up later, i smelled food. They must have brought our food out to us. I inhaled, smelling chicken. Mmm! I jumped up out of my seat, regretting it immediately. I got really dizzy, almost falling backwards. I felt someone's arm wrap around me, knowing it was Kyle by the tingles that went around my waist.

"Whoa there." He said from behind me. "Don't fall on me," he chuckled. He had been lying on the bed when I jumped up, so he knew that I was only dizzy because I stood up too fast. Just to annoy him, I fell backwards on to his chest. I felt his chest rumbling from his laughter. He picked me up and flipped me around. "You know what?" He said, and started tickling my sides. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe and I finally begged him to stop. He leaned down and gave me a long, slow, kiss, until we heard someone clear their throat. I jumped up, turning deep red at being caught by Kyle's parents.

They were grinning at Kyle, and I knew they were just happy because he was happy. I smiled, finally getting over my embarrassment, and I went and took a seat beside Tony, who was by Marissa.

I sat around talking with all of them for a long time, and we finally landed, after what seemed like forever. We got off of the plane and into a car that took us to Kyle's parents beach house. Yup, their house was on the beach. How cool!?

AN. Well, got tired of writing for now. Sorry it isn't too long. I don't write as much as I used to because my laptop doesn't really work too well. Usually I have many chapters passed where I update. Sorry!

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